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Trading Combine® Information
What happens after I pass the Trading Combine?
What happens after I pass the Trading Combine?
Updated over a week ago

What happens after I pass the Trading Combine?

After you pass the Trading Combine, you can expect the following to happen:

  1. Your monthly subscription will be turned off

  2. You will receive an email notification regarding your account status after Trade Reports have been updated for the day (after 5 PM CT). The subject line of the email is "[Action Needed] Congratulations on Passing Your Trading Combine!"

Follow the steps below to proceed with your Express Funded Account:

  1. Click "Activate My Account" in the email to get started! You'll be prompted to review the Express Funded Account Agreement first, and then you will be prompted to pay your Activation Fee.

  2. Make sure to thoroughly review the Activation Fee details found here: Express Funded Account Activation Fee.

To avoid any delays in receiving your Express Funded Account, follow the following instructions and words of advice closely:

  1. You must provide the same email address as your Topstep profile when paying the Activation Fee. Otherwise, you will experience delays with receiving your Express Funded Account.

  2. The Activation Fee must be paid within 30 days of passing your Trading Combine to receive your Express Funded Account.

  3. By paying the Activation Fee, you agree to the Terms and Conditions outlined in the Express Funded Account Agreement and Exhibit A.

  4. The Activation Fee must be paid for each Express Funded Account earned. This means that the Express Funded Account fee is required for each passed Trading Combine.

  5. Express Funded Accounts are created automatically by our system within 1-2 business days after paying the Activation Fee, and we cannot honor requests to expedite this process. This process can take up to 2 full business days.

  6. You will receive an email receipt as confirmation that your Activation Fee payment was successful and received by us.

When will I receive my Funded Trader Certificate?

You will receive your Funded Trader Certificate around two business days after passing your first Trading Combine. This certificate is sent to you after passing the Trading Combine for the first time only.

When will I receive my Express Funded Account Credentials?

You will receive your Express Funded Account within 1-2 business days after you have paid the Activation Fee, as long as you use the same email address as what's listed on your Topstep Profile.

Your new Express Funded Account credentials will be found in the email titled 'Express Funded Account Login Information', and it may take up to two full business days to receive this email.

If you have not received your Express Funded Account credentials within 2 full business days after paying the Activation Fee, please contact our Trader Support Team so they can assist you further.

You can review more information on the Express Funded Account below:

How can I check or confirm if I passed the Trading Combine?

To check or confirm if you've passed the Trading Combine, you'll need to wait to view your Trade Report which updates by 6 PM CT. It's important to wait until the Trade Report has been updated before logging in to your Topstep Account to check whether or not you passed the Trading Combine.

Please note: the confirmation for passing your Trading Combine comes from your Trade Report, and the Support Team cannot confirm if you've passed intraday.

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