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TopstepX™ Trade Copier
Updated over 5 months ago

The Trade Copier in TopstepX™ is a tool that allows traders to copy trades from one account to another. This can be useful for traders who manage multiple accounts with a successful trading strategy.

In this article, you'll see references to the "Lead" or "Leader" account and the "Follower" account(s). The Lead account is the account you're placing trades on. The Follower account(s) is the account trades are being copied to.

Follower Account(s) will mimic any trades or actions from the Lead Account. Once a Profit Target or Stop Loss is hit, the Lead Account and all Follower Accounts will be liquidated immediately, so you can expect similar total profits and losses across all accounts depending on order entry and market volatility.

Before getting started with the Trade Copier, read this!👇

  • To copy trades between TopstepX accounts, the Lead account must have the lowest Maximum Position Size. For example, if you have one (1) 50K account, one (1) 100K account, and one (1) 150K account, the Lead account should be 50K, as it has the smallest Maximum Position Size.

  • Risk settings like the Personal Daily Loss Limit do not carry over to copy-traded accounts. You need to set them individually for each account.

  • Trade copying can only be applied to accounts within the same trading environment. You can copy trades from a Trading Combine to an Express Funded Account, and from an Express Funded Account to a Trading Combine. Live Funded Accounts cannot utilize the Trade Copier.

  • Resetting an account removes it from the Trade Copier settings. If you reset your Leader account or Follower account(s), it will have to be re-added in Settings to continue using the Trade Copier with the newly reset account.

  • When a Follower account is connected to a Leader account for copy trading, you cannot trade directly on the Follower account. If the order buttons are greyed out on a Follower account, it means it is still connected to the Leader account. To place trades on that account, it will have to be removed as a Follower account in Settings.

  • If your account balance is the same on both the Leader and Follower account(s) and you hit your Maximum Loss Limit, Daily Loss Limit, or are auto-liquidated for any reason on your Leader account, the same will occur on your Follower account(s). For example, if you hit your Daily Loss Limit, you'll be locked out of trading on your Leader account and Follower account(s) until the following trading day.

  • Turning the Trade Copier off while in an active trade will immediately flatten the Follower account(s).

  • If you hit your Maximum Loss Limit, Daily Loss Limit, or are auto-liquidated for any reason, the Trade Copier will be turned off and will need to be re-enabled if you want to use it going forward.

To set up the Trade Copier in TopstepX, follow these steps:

1) Log in to TopstepX.

2) Click the Settings icon on the left sidebar.

3) Make sure the "Copy Trading" tab on the top-left side of the screen is highlighted/selected.

4) Click to see a drop-down list of your active accounts.

5) Click on the account you want to use as your Lead account. This is the account you'll be placing trades on.

6) Under Followers, click the checkbox to add the account(s) you want to copy trade on.

7) Once the accounts are selected, you'll see them checked off. Click "Save Changes".

8) Click the Trading icon on the left sidebar to return to your default workspace.

To stop Copy Trading, follow these steps:

Pro Tip ✅ The Trade Copier is turned off/deactivated by default. If you haven't set it up or added Follower accounts, you will not need to turn anything off or deactivate the Trade Copier.

1) To stop using the Trade Copier, click Settings on the left sidebar.

2) Click "Clear", then click "Save Changes"

3) Once the copier has been deactivated, you'll see the default Trade Copier settings reappear.

4) Click the Trading icon on the left sidebar to return to your default workspace.

To add or remove Follower accounts, follow these steps:

1) Click the Settings icon on the left sidebar.

2) Check the boxes under "Follow" to add or remove Follower accounts. When the box is checked, the account will be used as a Follower account. When the box is unchecked, the account will not be used as a follower account. Click "Save Changes" after adding or removing follower accounts.

3) Once you've made the desired changes, click the Trading icon on the left sidebar to return to your default workspace.

Video: Trade Copying in TopstepX

  • This quick video will show you everything you need to know about the copy trading feature in TopstepX.

Using the Trade Copier on a Mobile Device

You can set-up and use the TopstepX Trade Copier on your mobile device by following these steps:

  1. Using your preferred web browser, open TopstepX on your mobile device.

  2. Click the 3 dots on the bottom-right side of the screen.

  3. Click Trading.

  4. Click Copy Trading.

  5. Choose your Lead Account from the drop-down menu.

  6. Select which accounts you'd like for Follower Accounts by checking the box next to the account name.

  7. Click Save Changes to save your changes.

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