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🔐 How do I update my Track Titan logger?
🔐 How do I update my Track Titan logger?
Updated over 9 months ago

The Track Titan Logger is being updated as we improve out service for all our users. The process is automatic and if the logger is closed or a session is completed you should be notified that a newer version of the Track Titan logger is available.

You'll be instructed to close the Track Titan logger and it'll automatically update. If you are experiencing issues with getting the latest version of the logger installed then please follow these steps.

1. Close the Track Titan website
2. Sign out of the logger (right click the 'T') then close/quit the Track Titan app.
3. Uninstall with Add and Remove programs
4. Having uninstalled check that there are no files in the following folders found at either of these locations on PC - it is best to delete both these folders as well.


5. Reboot your PC
6. Install the Track Titan Logger again from the TT website
7. Confirm that you are on the latest version.
8. Drive 2 clean laps and ensure that you can record your sessions.

Extra tips:
🔸If you still find that you have locked files then please open the Task Manager and 'End Task' any TrackTitanDesktopApplication tasks

🔸Occasionally an old version might be installing from your from your 'startup applications' - ensure this isn't the case

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