When you click on this button, a form will show up the opportunity for you to submit an offer that you feel good about paying for the item. This sends the offer to the seller. Note that the offer price is solely for the item. The seller when responding will add their shipping cost as they see fit to accept the deal, so please review the total before finalizing your purchase.
Note that this is an open offer and does not have a time expiration. At this time you cannot cancel offers until a seller has accepted, countered, or denied it. You can certainly reach out to the seller to tell them you no longer want the offer reviewed and they can deny it on their end.
The seller can respond at any time by accepting it and when they do, an alert will be sent to you for purchasing and will require you to log in or create an account if you don't already have one. The seller can also counter the offer. No matter what happens, you can always deny the acceptance, or agree to purchase it and create the invoice. Once you click "invoice now" you will see a checkout button to finish the transaction.
Note that anyone else can still purchase that item until you have finalized the sale by ordering it via clicking "invoice now". You are not required to continue with the purchase, but if you submitted an offer and it is accepted as fair by the seller we recommend you honor it as well.