Shipping for orders is defined by each seller on the marketplace. Usually, it is a flat rate charge on each order, however, it could be based on the product itself. If you are ordering products fulfilled from multiple sellers, shipping is charged by each seller and it will calculate a total in your shopping cart based on your shipping address. Many sellers will place a reference to the shipping costs in the Seller or Product Policy you can find within the listing.
Shipping is calculated at checkout. Note that if international shipping is involved, you as the buyer may be responsible for any import fees or taxes assessed by your country upon delivery. These are not covered by the seller.
We require our sellers to ship all items within 3 business days, however, many of them ship out within 24 hours. Holidays and other factors may delay this timeline depending on the seller. Once your order has shipped, our system will notify you and most times tracking information will be emailed to you if the seller has chosen a shipping method that has tracking.