Our terms and conditions for selling on our marketplace are as follows:
You agree that you are 18 years of age or older, or that you have parental approval and oversight while selling on the marketplace.
You agree that you will not place any reference to .com or other types of domains in your business name field. You also agree that you will not use business names that may be inappropriate in a business setting if you are an individual without a legally registered business name.
You agree to post images of your product in every listing. If you are using a "stock" image, please try and reference that in the description so buyers are aware. The only marketing in your images that can be referenced is your store name. We do make exceptions to this if you are selling items on consignment, but only if you are posting consignment items on the marketplace. You may not offer consignment and then list elsewhere without it also being on the marketplace. Anything referencing offsite sales such as your domain name or other services you provide is not allowed.
You agree to do business in the marketplace in a professional and friendly manner. Should a problem arise, you agree to work with the marketplace to take care of any buyer disputes or issues.
You agree to the terms of the Buyer Protection Policy and the Seller Protection Policy.
You agree to not post items that are not related to trading cards, such as coins or other miscellaneous items. Store connections where we sync your store products with the marketplace do have some exceptions. All gambling or sexual content is prohibited. If we find that you are listing these or any reference to them your account will be immediately canceled.
You agree to not list products with misleading information to manipulate the searches. For example, you may not list a card as a 1/1 if it is not a true 1/1 stamped card. These show up on searches and syndication sites for 1/1 and it is misleading to the consumer.
You agree to not post "breaks", "digital products", "mystery items" or 'games of chance' (unknown items in grab bags) on the marketplace. If we find that you are listing these or any reference to them your account will be immediately cancelled.
You agree that you will not use buyer contact information to sell directly away from the marketplace. We collect data on users and in many cases provide you with this data in the platform.
You agree that you will not bid on your auctions or ask others that you know in an attempt to raise bids fraudulently. If we find that this is taking place we will immediately ban your account.
You agree to ship all orders within 3 business days; however, your goal should always be 1 business day. You also agree to upload the tracking details so that buyers are alerted of outgoing shipments. Tracking numbers are not required but they alleviate a lot of headaches.
You agree that you will have a clear return policy. This is best placed in your seller or product policies.
You agree that we are paid 10% of the total order charges, including the tax and shipping collected, plus $0.35 as a transaction fee per order. We do not charge insertion fees at this time. You also agree that if you utilize our shipping label platforms those charges will be deducted from order earnings.
You agree that if there is a negative balance after any credits are issued to buyers for miscellaneous issues such as lost packages, or damaged items you will work with the marketplace to bring the negative balance to $0. This may be in the form of listing and selling more products or in the form of PayPal payment back to us upon our request.
You agree to help the marketplace manage and intercept any fraudelent orders. We currently provide two levels of fraud protection upon orders being placed. We must work together to protect ourselves and the integrity of the marketplace. The marketplace is not responsible for losses from fraud.
You agree that upon request, you will provide us with documents showing you are an authorized reseller of certain sealed products for certain brands. This is a condition of one of our platform providers Shopify. You agree that you will also abide by all their terms and conditions. You can review their AUP here.
You agree to always keep your contact information updated for our staff, and that you agree to receive communication by text, email, phone, or by any other means necessary to manage your account.
You agree that the marketplace has the final say on any issues that may arise and that these terms and conditions may change at any time.