Yes, we do. Please get in touch with us for credentials to be created first, then follow these steps.
To get the API credentials, the seller needs to visit his “My Account” section of the seller panel.
In the My Account section, the seller will get the API credentials.
Now, the seller will have API access to check the response to certain actions.
Access Token Validity:
The unique access token will be valid for
1 YEAR for the Users
30 DAYS for the sellers.
Refresh Token Validity:
The refresh token will be valid for
2 YEARS for both Users & Sellers.
How to check the response?
You can visit the API DOC to check the responses using the provided API credentials.
For this, follow the below-given steps:
Open the API Doc.
Click the Authorize button.
Clicking the Authorize button, get the option to enter the value as Bearer {access_token} and click the Authorize button.
NOTE: The value that needs to be entered in the box: Bearer {access_token}. You need to add ‘Bearer’ before the access token. Here is an example: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
Click the Done button.
Now, the seller will open any resources to check the response.
Click the Try it out button to check the action.
Lastly, click the Execute button.
This way, the seller can get the response for different actions performed in the app.