Note: We would strongly recommend that our users and their travelers please check their mode of transportation's status through their supplier to confirm accuracy.
You can quickly add flights by following these steps!
1. Click on +New Event
When you're in the itinerary and on the correct day, just click the +New Event button in the top right!
2. Click on Flight
Click on Flight to make a Flight event
3. Input the flight information
A menu will open automatically on the Quick-Add menu, allowing you to input the airline code and flight number
4. Click on Get Info
Once you've input the flight information, click on Get Info.
Once you've done so, a summary of the flight will appear, allowing you to confirm it's the correct flight!
5. Click +Add to Itinerary
If you've got the right flight, just click + Add to Itinerary to add it to your itinerary!