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How can I edit my text?

How can I edit text added to Travefy?

David Chait avatar
Written by David Chait
Updated over 4 years ago

We have made some recent changes to the text editor and want to share them with everyone on the Travefy team! 

So what's so cool and new? 

  1. Everyone loves Italics! That wasn't there before, but is now!

  2.  New single and double line spacing functionality

  3. Copy and Paste improvements! You can grab rich text from your email, the Web, a PDF or Word, and we will better retain the correct formatting from these places!

  4. Collapse/compress icon

  5. One-click to remove formatting

  6. A longer notes field

  7. Highlight text

Below are some quick videos with descriptions on a few key text editor updates:

  1. To single line space, press Shift+Enter

2. Collapse or compress text that has too many lines spaces.

3. Clear unwanted formatting such as text in bold or highlighted text.

4. Highlight important text in your Notes section.

5. Add Tables into your event to provide more details about booking and pricing details.

We hope you enjoy these new updates! Let us know if you have any questions!

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