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How to Set Up Domain Masking with your DNS Panel.
How to Set Up Domain Masking with your DNS Panel.

Instructions to setup your custom domain masking through your DNS controls.

Scott Rutz avatar
Written by Scott Rutz
Updated over a year ago

To mask your Travefy website with either option shown here, you will need access to your DNS panel. This is located within the domain name hosting service you use. You will need to be signed in and have account permissions to make changes and add new DNS records.

Steps To Create A New CNAME Record:

  1. Access your DNS Panel / DNS Settings where your domain is hosted or your DNS settings are hosted.

  2. Create a new DNS Record

  3. For "Type" choose "CNAME"

  4. In the "Name" or "Record" field type "trips".

  5. Under the "Value" or "Target" field paste in the URL that is listed on your Account Page. It will look like "". Paste this entire URL into the "Value" / "Target" field.

If you are prompted to choose TTL settings, you can leave TTL settings at the default value.

Instructions to Set Up CNAME Records for Common Hosts:

Steps to Set up an A Record:

If you selected to have root domain masking you will be setting up an A record instead of a CNAME. An A Record is a DNS record that can be used to point your domain name and subdomains to a static IP address.

You can use an A Record, often in combination with a CNAME, when you want to connect your (sub)domain to an external service, which in this case would be, Travefy.
Instructions on how to set up your A Record may vary depending on the Domain Host that you are using.
But in general, here are some steps you will need to take to create an A Record:

  1. Access your DNS Panel / DNS Settings where your domain is hosted or your DNS settings are hosted.

  2. Create a new DNS Record

  3. For "Type" choose "A"

4.Under the "Value" or "Target" field paste in the IP address that is listed on your Account Settings Page. It will look like "". Paste this entire IP address into the "Value" / "Target" field.

IMPORTANT: You may only have one A Record listed on your host site or the Domain Masking will not be set up properly in your Travefy Account.

When setting up the A Record on your host site, you will want to see if there are any other A Records listed prior to saving your changes.


If you also want to view your content as, you can also add a CNAME record to your DNS (on your Host site) , if one does not already exist, where www points to

When done your record should look similar to this:

Checking or Troubleshooting:

Once you have created the CNAME record, in your "Account & Settings" page you can choose the "Test" option under the Domain Masking area.

For further testing you can also use this DNS Queries tool to test if your CNAME record is setup correctly.
Example test:

If the DNS Queries tool can see your CNAME record it will populate a note of it in the list of results. If it cannot see your CNAME record it will note that no records were found.

My Domain Masking is Set Up. How will I see the changes?

Once the Domain Masking set up is complete, you will be able to see your Domain Masking in effect when you view the online, shareable itinerary.

Your Domain Masking will automatically display for all newly created trips.

You will also be able to see Domain Masking in Effect on your Marketing Profile, your Travefy Website, & Forms.

For old trips that you created before purchasing Domain Masking, you will want to manually change the Platform to your new domain. 

To see how to do this take a look at this FAQ.

IMPORTANT: It's is important to not change or edit other DNS settings in your hosting/domain account as it can break your website or email.

If you have questions at any point while trying to set up your Domain Masking feature or feel that you may need assistance please reach out via chat, email or schedule a training with us!

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