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Booking Prefixes

Using Prefixes on bookings

Jonathan Johnson avatar
Written by Jonathan Johnson
Updated over 11 months ago

Certain brands that Travefy integrates via the Booking Import Method sometimes require that the booking number has a prefix and region code to be imported.

If you're trying to import a booking and it's not working, try adding these prefixes to the booking number.

Here is the list of prefixes required by certain brands working with Travefy:

AAT Kings: AA

Brendan Vacations: BV

Contiki: CH

Costsaver: CV

Insight Vacations: IV

Luxury Gold: LG

Trafalgar: TT

And here's a list of Region codes:


Canada: CANS


Australia: SYDS

Singapore: SINS

South Africa: JBGS


New Zealand: AKLS


Let's say I'm trying to import a Trafalgar booking, and I'm a travel advisor from NYC.

The prefix for the code would be the Provider Code, then the Region Code, a dash, and then the booking number.

So my code would be TTUSAS-BOOKINGNUMBER

Another example:

I'm a travel advisor in Sydney, Australia, and I'm trying to pull in a Contiki booking.

The prefix for the code would be CH for Contiki, then SYDS for Australia, and then my booking number.

So my code would be CHSYDS-BOOKINGNUMBER

If you are still having issues importing information using a booking number, reach out to us at!

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