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Supplier Integrations
Supplier Integrations
Booking Prefixes
DMCs and Tour Operators Available On Travefy via Collaboration
Lemax Integration General FAQ
Tourplan: Connecting your account and importing Fastbook/FITs.
How do I push a trip from VacationCRM to Travefy?
How do I pull a trip from Travefy into VacationCRM?
Sent Trip from VacationCRM to Travefy and it says, "trip is managed by different platform."
Does Travefy have information on Virtuoso Properties or Amenities?
How to Integrate Your Travefy Account with Tourwriter
How do I add Virtuoso information to my account?
What “Anonymized Basic Usage Data” may be shared with Virtuoso if I turned on the Virtuoso Amenity Feature?
My suppliers are not integrated with Travefy
Is Travefy a Virtuoso Preferred Supplier?
What suppliers are integrated with Travefy?
ClientBase Error Message "Overflow while converting variant type (Word) into type (Byte)" Error
How to import from Classic Vacations if you're on a White-Labeled Platform
Which tour suppliers does Travefy integrate with?
Which cruise providers are integrated with Travefy?
What suppliers are supported by the Booking Import Method and PUSH Method?