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Earning Commission on your Viator Bookings
Earning Commission on your Viator Bookings
Jonathan Johnson avatar
Written by Jonathan Johnson
Updated over a week ago

You can now earn commission on Viator bookings through Travefy, and this article will show you how!

💡 You can register with Viator's Travel Agent Program to earn commission on Viator sales here:

Let's get started:

1. Go to your Account Settings

Click on your name in the top right corner, and then on Account.

2. Click on Linked Accounts

Select Linked Accounts the left-hand side.

3. Enable your Viator integration and add PID/UID

Scroll down and you'll see the Viator section. If you have already enabled the Viator integration in the past, you will have to toggle the blue switch off, and then toggle it on again. Enter your PID and UID and click on Connect.

4. Go to an Itinerary

Go into the itinerary builder of a trip you'd like to enter Viator information on.

5. Create a Tour Event

Click on +New Event, and then select Tour from the drop-down menu.

6. Select Viator

Select Viator from the drop-down menu.

7. Enter the Product Code

Enter the Product Code and click on Get Itinerary.

8. Click + Add to Itinerary

Once the tour appears, just click on +Add to Itinerary.

Once that's done, the event in the itinerary will have a link attached that allows the traveler to book the tour directly.

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