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700+ New Destination Guides

Access 700+ new destination guides covering cities, islands, regions, provinces and countries.

Scott Rutz avatar
Written by Scott Rutz
Updated over 10 months ago

Travefy is excited to include 700+ additional destination guides that cover cities, islands, regions, provinces, countries, and attractions.

These new destination guides are in addition to the 640 destinations previously integrated in Travefy and are available in the City Guides search in the trip builder.

New Destination Guides covered:

  1. Aberdeen

  2. Abidjan

  3. Abu Dhabi

  4. Abuja

  5. Acapulco

  6. Accra

  7. Addis Ababa

  8. Adelaide

  9. Adirondacks

  10. Aegean Coast

  11. Agadir

  12. Agra

  13. Ahmedabad

  14. Aitutaki

  15. Al Ain

  16. Albuquerque

  17. Alderney

  18. Aleppo

  19. Algiers

  20. Alicante

  21. Alice Springs

  22. Almaty

  23. Alsace Lorraine

  24. Amalfi Coast

  25. Amarillo

  26. Amazon Basin

  27. Amber Coast

  28. Amman

  29. Amritsar

  30. Amsterdam

  31. Anchorage

  32. Ankara

  33. Annapolis

  34. Antananarivo

  35. Antigua Guatemala

  36. Antwerp

  37. Aqaba

  38. Arequipa

  39. Asheville

  40. Ashgabat

  41. Asuncion

  42. Athens

  43. Atlanta

  44. Auckland

  45. Austin

  46. Austrian Alps

  47. Baja California

  48. Baku

  49. Bali

  50. Baltimore

  51. Bandar Seri Begawan

  52. Bangkok

  53. Barcelona

  54. Basel

  55. Basque Country

  56. Bath

  57. Baton Rouge

  58. Battlefields

  59. Bazaruto Archipelago

  60. Beijing

  61. Beirut

  62. Belfast

  63. Belgrade

  64. Belize City

  65. Belo Horizonte

  66. Bengaluru

  67. Bergen

  68. Berlin

  69. Bernese Oberland

  70. Big Island

  71. Bilbao

  72. Billings

  73. Billund

  74. Biloxi

  75. Birmingham

  76. Birmingham Alabama

  77. Bishkek

  78. Black Hills

  79. Black Sea Coast

  80. Blantyre

  81. Bloemfontein

  82. Boise

  83. Bologna

  84. Bora Bora

  85. Bordeaux

  86. Boston

  87. Brasilia

  88. Bratislava

  89. Brecon Beacons

  90. Brighton

  91. Brisbane

  92. Bristol

  93. Brittany

  94. Bruges

  95. Brussels

  96. Bucharest

  97. Budapest

  98. Buenos Aires

  99. Bulawayo

  100. Burlington

  101. Busan

  102. Cadiz

  103. Cairns

  104. Cairo

  105. Cajamarca

  106. Calgary

  107. Cambridge

  108. Canadian Rocky Mountains

  109. Canberra

  110. Cancun

  111. Cape Cod

  112. Cape Town

  113. Cape Winelands

  114. Cappadocia

  115. Caracas

  116. Cardiff

  117. Carpathian Mountains

  118. Casablanca

  119. Cascade Mountain Range

  120. Cayman Brac

  121. Cebu

  122. Central Coast

  123. Central Pacific Coast

  124. Cephalonia

  125. Champagne Country

  126. Changsha

  127. Charleston

  128. Charleston West Virginia

  129. Charlotte

  130. Charlottetown

  131. Chengdu

  132. Chennai

  133. Cheyenne

  134. Chiang Mai

  135. Chicago

  136. Chilean Patagonia

  137. Chincoteague Island

  138. Chiriqui

  139. Chongqing

  140. Christchurch

  141. Cincinatti

  142. Civitavecchia

  143. Cleveland

  144. Cody

  145. Coimbra

  146. Cologne

  147. Colombo

  148. Colorado Springs

  149. Copenhagen

  150. Cordoba

  151. Corfu

  152. Cork

  153. Corsica

  154. Costa Almeria

  155. Costa Blanca

  156. Costa Brava

  157. Costa de la Luz

  158. Costa del Sol

  159. Costa do Estoril

  160. Costa Dorada

  161. Cote d Azur

  162. Cozumel

  163. Crete

  164. Crimea

  165. Cultural Triangle

  166. Curitiba

  167. Cuzco

  168. Da Nang

  169. Dakar

  170. Dallas Fort Worth

  171. Dalmatian Coast

  172. Damascus

  173. Dammam

  174. Dar Es Salaam

  175. Darjeeling

  176. Darwin

  177. Davao

  178. Daytona Beach

  179. Delft

  180. Delhi

  181. Denver

  182. Des Moines

  183. Detroit

  184. Dhaka

  185. Doha

  186. Door County

  187. Dordogne and Lot

  188. Dresden

  189. Dubai

  190. Dublin

  191. Dubrovnik

  192. Duluth

  193. Durban

  194. Durham

  195. Dusseldorf

  196. East Anglia

  197. East Coast

  198. East London

  199. Easter Island

  200. Eastern Shore

  201. Edinburgh

  202. Edmonton

  203. Eger

  204. Eindhoven

  205. Ensenada

  206. Entebbe

  207. Etosha National Park

  208. Fairbanks

  209. Fajardo

  210. Fargo

  211. Faro

  212. Fez

  213. Fianarantsoa

  214. Fish River Canyon

  215. Fjordland

  216. Florence

  217. Flores

  218. Florianopolis

  219. Fort Lauderdale

  220. Fortaleza

  221. Frankfurt

  222. Fraser Coast

  223. Freetown

  224. French Alps

  225. Fuerteventura

  226. Fukuoka

  227. Funchal

  228. Gaborone

  229. Galapagos Islands

  230. Galilee

  231. Galveston

  232. Galway

  233. Garden Route

  234. Gdansk

  235. Geneva

  236. Genoa

  237. Ghent

  238. Glasgow

  239. Goa

  240. Gold Coast

  241. Gold Coast, Queensland

  242. Gothenburg

  243. Gozo

  244. Gran Canaria

  245. Grand Cayman

  246. Grand Strand and Myrtle Beach

  247. Grand Turk

  248. Grandvalira

  249. Groningen

  250. Guadalajara

  251. Guadalcanal Island

  252. Guangzhou

  253. Guatemala City

  254. Guernsey

  255. Guilin

  256. Gulf Coast

  257. Gulfport

  258. Gyeongju

  259. Haifa

  260. Halifax

  261. Hamburg

  262. Hamilton

  263. Hangzhou

  264. Hannover

  265. Hanoi

  266. Harare

  267. Harpers Ferry

  268. Hartford

  269. Havana

  270. Helsinki

  271. Hill Resorts

  272. Himalayas

  273. Hiroshima

  274. Ho Chi Minh City

  275. Hobart

  276. Hong Kong City

  277. Honolulu

  278. Houston

  279. Huaraz Region

  280. Hudson Valley and the Catskills

  281. Hue

  282. Hyderabad

  283. Ibiza

  284. Indianapolis

  285. Inhambane

  286. Innsbruck

  287. Inverness

  288. Iowa City

  289. Isla Grande de Chiloe

  290. Isla Margarita

  291. Islamabad

  292. Islands

  293. Islay

  294. Isle of Arran

  295. Isle of Mull

  296. Isle of Wight

  297. Istanbul

  298. Italian Alps

  299. Ixtapa

  300. Jackson Mississippi

  301. Jackson Wyoming

  302. Jacksonville

  303. Jaipur

  304. Jakarta

  305. Java

  306. Jeddah

  307. Jersey

  308. Jerusalem

  309. Johannesburg

  310. Juneau

  311. Kaliningrad Oblast

  312. Kampala

  313. Kansas City

  314. Karachi

  315. Kathmandu

  316. Kauai

  317. Kerala

  318. Ketchikan

  319. Key West

  320. Khartoum

  321. Kiev

  322. Kigali

  323. Killarney

  324. Kimberley

  325. Kingston

  326. Kiruna

  327. Kochi

  328. Kolkata

  329. Kos

  330. Kotor

  331. Krakow

  332. Kruger National Park

  333. Kuala Lumpur

  334. Kunming

  335. Kyiv

  336. Kyoto

  337. La Digue

  338. La Paz

  339. La Romana

  340. Ladakh

  341. Lagos

  342. Lahore

  343. Lake Atitlan

  344. Lake Balaton

  345. Lake Country

  346. Lake District

  347. Lake Erie Islands

  348. Lake Malawi

  349. Lake Titicaca

  350. Lake Titicaca Bolivia

  351. Lanai

  352. Lanzarote

  353. Larnaca

  354. Las Palmas

  355. Las Vegas

  356. Leeds

  357. Lefkada

  358. Lesvos

  359. Lille

  360. Lilongwe

  361. Lima

  362. Limerick

  363. Lisbon

  364. Little Cayman

  365. Little Rock

  366. Liverpool

  367. Ljubljana

  368. Loire Valley

  369. Lombok

  370. London

  371. Long Island

  372. Los Angeles

  373. Los Cabos

  374. Louisville

  375. Luanda

  376. Luang Prabang

  377. Lucerne

  378. Lusaka

  379. Luxembourg-Ville

  380. Luxor

  381. Lyon

  382. Mackay

  383. Mackinaw City

  384. Madeira

  385. Madison

  386. Madrid

  387. Mahe

  388. Maine Ski Resorts

  389. Malaga

  390. Male

  391. Mallorca

  392. Malmo

  393. Managua

  394. Manama

  395. Manchester

  396. Manchester NH

  397. Manila

  398. Maputo

  399. Marigot

  400. Marrakech

  401. Marseille

  402. Martha's Vineyard

  403. Marthas Vineyard

  404. Maseru

  405. Matara

  406. Maui

  407. Mazatlan

  408. Mediterranean Coast

  409. Melbourne

  410. Memphis

  411. Mexico City

  412. Miami

  413. Milan

  414. Milwaukee

  415. Minneapolis-St Paul

  416. Minorca

  417. Minsk

  418. Mobile

  419. Molokai

  420. Monrovia

  421. Monte Carlo

  422. Montego Bay

  423. Montevideo

  424. Montgomery

  425. Montgomery County

  426. Montpelier

  427. Montreal

  428. Moorea

  429. Moscow

  430. Mount Desert Island

  431. Mountains

  432. Mpumalanga

  433. Mumbai

  434. Munich

  435. Muscat

  436. Mykonos

  437. Nairobi

  438. Nantucket

  439. Naples

  440. Nashville

  441. Nassau

  442. Natchez

  443. National Parks and Reserves

  444. Negril

  445. Nevis

  446. New Haven

  447. New Jersey Shore

  448. New Orleans

  449. New York City

  450. Newcastle upon Tyne

  451. Newport

  452. Nha Trang

  453. Nice

  454. Nicosia

  455. Norfolk

  456. Normandy

  457. North Carolina Coast

  458. North Coast Redwoods District

  459. North Island

  460. North West Wales

  461. Northern Argentina

  462. Northern Cyprus

  463. Northwest Costa Rica

  464. Nosy Be

  465. Nottingham

  466. Nur-Sultan

  467. Oahu

  468. Oaxaca

  469. Ocho Rios

  470. Odessa

  471. Okavango Delta

  472. Oklahoma City

  473. Omaha

  474. Oranjestad

  475. Orlando

  476. Osaka

  477. Oslo

  478. Ottawa

  479. Oudtshoorn

  480. Outer Hebrides

  481. Oviedo

  482. Oxford

  483. Pacific Coast

  484. Palermo

  485. Panama Canal

  486. Panama City

  487. Paphos

  488. Paramaribo

  489. Paris

  490. Patmos

  491. Peloponnese Peninsula

  492. Pemba and Northern Mozambique

  493. Pensacola

  494. Perth

  495. Philadelphia

  496. Philipsburg

  497. Phillip Island and Gippsland

  498. Phnom Penh

  499. Phoenix

  500. Phuket

  501. Pittsburgh

  502. Playa del Carmen

  503. Pokhara

  504. Ponce

  505. Port Antonio

  506. Port Elizabeth

  507. Port Louis

  508. Port of Spain

  509. Portland

  510. Portland Oregon

  511. Porto

  512. Potosi

  513. Prague

  514. Praslin Island

  515. Pretoria

  516. Provence

  517. Providence

  518. Providenciales

  519. Puerto Costa Maya

  520. Puerto Vallarta

  521. Pushkar

  522. Qingdao

  523. Quebec City

  524. Queenstown

  525. Quito

  526. Rabat

  527. Raleigh

  528. Rangiroa

  529. Rarotonga

  530. Recife

  531. Regina

  532. Reno

  533. Resort Islands

  534. Reykjavik

  535. Rhodes

  536. Richmond

  537. Riga

  538. Rio de Janeiro

  539. Riyadh

  540. Rocky Mountains

  541. Rome

  542. Roseau

  543. Roskilde

  544. Rotterdam

  545. Russian Far East

  546. Sabah

  547. Saint George

  548. Saint-Denis

  549. Sal

  550. Salt Lake City

  551. Salvador da Bahia

  552. Salzburg

  553. Samos

  554. San Antonio

  555. San Cristobal de las Casas

  556. San Diego

  557. San Francisco

  558. San Jose

  559. San Jose Costa Rica

  560. San Juan

  561. San Miguel de Allende

  562. San Pedro de Atacama

  563. Santa Cruz de la Sierra

  564. Santa Fe

  565. Santiago

  566. Santiago Cape Verde

  567. Santiago de Compostela

  568. Santiago de Cuba

  569. Santo Antao

  570. Santo Domingo

  571. Santorini

  572. Sanya

  573. Sao Luis

  574. São Luis

  575. Sao Paulo

  576. São Paulo

  577. Sao Vicente

  578. Sapporo

  579. Sarawak

  580. Sardinia

  581. Sark

  582. Saronic Gulf Islands

  583. Savannah

  584. Seattle

  585. Sedona

  586. Seoul

  587. Seville

  588. Shanghai

  589. Shannon

  590. Sharjah

  591. Shenandoah Valley

  592. Shenzhen

  593. Shikoku

  594. Sicily

  595. Siem Reap

  596. Singapore

  597. Skagway

  598. Ski Resorts

  599. Skiathos

  600. Skopelos

  601. Sochi

  602. Sofia

  603. South Coast

  604. South Island

  605. Southern Argentina

  606. Southern Bucovina

  607. Southern National Parks

  608. Split

  609. Springfield

  610. St Croix

  611. St John

  612. St Johns

  613. St Kitts

  614. St Louis

  615. St Petersburg

  616. St Thomas

  617. Stavanger

  618. Stockholm

  619. Stuttgart

  620. Sucre

  621. Sumatra

  622. Sunshine Coast

  623. Swansea

  624. Swiss Alps

  625. Sydney

  626. Sylhet

  627. Tahiti

  628. Taipei

  629. Tallinn

  630. Tampa

  631. Tangier

  632. Tashkent

  633. Tbilisi

  634. Tehran

  635. Tel Aviv

  636. Tenby

  637. Tenerife

  638. Thassos

  639. The Algarve

  640. The Amazon

  641. The Andes

  642. The Azores

  643. The Berkshire Hills

  644. The Black Forest

  645. The Caribbean Lowlands

  646. The Coast

  647. The Copper Canyon

  648. The Cotswolds

  649. The Danube Bend

  650. The East Coast

  651. The Great Rift Valley

  652. The Highlands

  653. The Inside Passage

  654. The Islands

  655. The Kenyan Coast

  656. The Lake District

  657. The Namib Desert

  658. The New Territories

  659. The Nile Valley

  660. The Rhineland

  661. The Romantic Road

  662. The Sinai Peninsula and the Red Sea

  663. The South West

  664. Thessaloniki

  665. Thimphu

  666. Thunder Bay

  667. Tibet

  668. Tijuana

  669. Tokyo

  670. Toronto

  671. Toulouse

  672. Townsville

  673. Transkei

  674. Transylvania

  675. Trinidad

  676. Tripoli

  677. Tromsø

  678. Tromsø

  679. Trondheim

  680. Tucson

  681. Tulsa

  682. Tunis

  683. Tuscany

  684. Udaipur

  685. Umbria

  686. Uppsala

  687. Valencia

  688. Valletta

  689. Vancouver

  690. Vancouver Island

  691. Varanasi

  692. Venice

  693. Vermont Ski Resorts

  694. Verona

  695. Vienna

  696. Vientiane

  697. Vigo

  698. Vilnius

  699. Vinales Valley

  700. Virginia Coast

  701. Vitoria

  702. Vojvodina

  703. Walvis Bay

  704. Warsaw

  705. Washington DC

  706. Wellington

  707. West Coast

  708. West Okoboji Lake

  709. Western Maryland

  710. Western New York State

  711. Whitehorse

  712. Whitsunday Islands

  713. Wichita

  714. Wild Coast

  715. Wilmington

  716. Windhoek

  717. Winnipeg

  718. Wuhan

  719. Xi An

  720. Yangon

  721. Yellowknife

  722. Yerevan

  723. Yogyakarta

  724. York

  725. Yucatan Peninsula

  726. Zagreb

  727. Zakynthos

  728. Zanzibar

  729. Zhengzhou

  730. Zurich

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