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SellTreez: All About Inventory Control
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 12 months ago


The Inventory Control module is where you're able to perform vital inventory management functions including printing labels, moving inventory between locations, returning inventory to vendors, and recording inventory destruction or disposal.

You can find the Inventory Control page by navigating to Inventory > Inventory Management. Inventory Control is the default tab in Inventory Management.

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Navigating Inventory Control

All your inventory is displayed here, organized by location — the location arrangement mirrors how you've set up your locations in Location Management.

Directly to the right of each location name is a count of all the items in this location. Click on any > to expand that location and view its inventory.

Each batch of inventory will be shown on a separate line. Click anywhere on a row to view or edit inventory details, or check the box on the far left-hand side of the row to take action on the batch. Once at least 1 batch is selected, the available options will display on an action bar on the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: Any inventory returned at the POS can be found in the ‘POS Return’ location.


Filters, Search, and Sort

The search bar and filters are displayed across the top of the page.

Search allows you to find inventory by brand or product name — just type in your search and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

You can also use the 'Product Type Filter' that has an icon for each product category — click on the product type(s) you'd like shown on this page. (If none are selected, all inventory will be included.)


To sort the page, click on the arrows by each column header, and click again to reverse the sort direction.


Inventory Card

Click anywhere on an inventory line to view the inventory detail card that has additional information about the items selected. The inventory card is split into three tabs: Batch, Package, and Invoice Line. Use the navigation on the left side of the card to jump between different sections on each tab.

  • The ‘Batch’ tab has information about the inventory's specific batch.

    • Batch information

    • Inventory Details

    • Barcode

  • The ‘Package’ tab has information about the package the inventory originated from.

    • Package Details

    • Inventory Details

    • Manifest Details

    • Barcode

    • Lab Results (appear in POS)

NOTE: If you have multiple batches (of the same product) with differing lab results available, we’ll display a range instead of a single percentage, ensuring your sales staff can always set proper expectations with customers.

    • Documents

    • Metrc Information

    • Open Label Maker Fields: Customizable dynamic fields that can be used in our Label Maker

    • Package History Log

  • The ‘Invoice Line’ tab has information on the invoice line for this item and the invoice it originated from.

    • Cost

    • Invoice Line History Log


Actioning Available Inventory

From the Inventory Control page, you have the ability to perform several actions:

We'll cover how to perform all of these functions in this article, or you can use the links above to skip ahead to the sections.


Print Labels

Follow the steps below to print inventory batch labels.

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control.

Step 2: Check the boxes on the far left-hand side of the page for each product you'd like to print labels for. You can select as many items as you'd like at once, but can only select one printer location at a time.

Step 3: Click Print on the action bar at the bottom of the screen and select to print either an Inventory Barcode or Batch Label.

Step 4: Select the label size and printer location. Then, enter the number of labels to print.

Step 5: Click the blue Print button.


The labels will print from your selected location, and can then be stickered on the inventory items.


Split Batches

Unless you're actioning an entire batch of inventory, you'll first need to split out the items you'd like to move, return, or destroy. Follow these steps to split a single existing batch into multiple new batches.

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control.

Step 2: Check the box on the far left side of the page for the batch you'd like to split. You can only split one batch at a time.

Step 3: Click Split on the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: To divide the original batch into new batches that each have an equal number of units, enter your desired number of units per batch in the 'Batch Size' field and click Apply.

You can also manually distribute the units across the new batches by clicking the + Add Batch tile and entering your desired number of units in each batch tile.


Step 5: Once all units in the original batch have been distributed into new batches, click the blue Split into X Batches button.

After splitting the original batch, the new batches will each have their own separate lines in Inventory Control. Then, you can move, return, or destroy the batch with the appropriate quantity.


Merge Batches

Merging batches allows you to combine multiple smaller batches (from the same parent batch) into a single larger one, allowing for streamlined inventory management and organization.

TIP: If you're a Metrc-enabled operator, you can only merge batches that share the same Metrc UID.

Step 1: To begin, navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control, and locate the product batches you'd like to merge.

Step 2: Verify that the batches you wish to merge together are all housed in the same kind of location — sellable or non-sellable — and are all part of the same parent batch (i.e. original invoice line). Only batches from the same parent batch and those within the same location type can be merged. Click here to learn how to move inventory.

Step 3: Select the batches you wish to merge together and hit Merge.


Step 4: From within the 'Merge Batch' window, select the batch that you’d like to merge all others into and click the blue Merge Batches button.



Move Inventory

TIP: Locations must be created before moving inventory into them. Read more on Location Management.

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control.

Step 2: Check the boxes on the far left side of the page for each batch you'd like to move to a single new location. You can move as many batches as you'd like at once, but can only select one destination at a time.

NOTE: You can only take action on entire inventory batches. To move only certain units from an existing batch, you need to first split these units into their own batch. Review the Split Batches section above for step-by-step instructions.

Step 3: Click Move on the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

TIP: If you’re operating on Metrc, due to regulations, returned items will only be able to be destroyed.

Step 4: Select the destination in the 'Select New Location' drop-down. You can also include any additional information in the optional 'Notes' field.

Step 5: Click the Move button to complete moving the inventory into the new location.


Once inventory is moved, it will be displayed under the new location in Inventory Control.


Return Inventory

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control.

Step 2: Check the boxes on the far left side of the page for each batch you'd like to return.

NOTE: You can only take action on entire inventory batches. To return only certain units from an existing batch, you need to first split these units into their own batch. Review the Split Batches section above for step-by-step instructions.

Step 3: Click Return on the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: For each item, select the reason for the return from the 'Reason' dropdown. You can submit additional information by clicking the notes icon.

If you're returning multiple batches, you can apply the same reason and notes to every batch being returned by filling out the fields across the top of the dialog box.

Step 5: Click Return to Distributor. This removes the batch of items from your inventory.

NOTE: If you’re operating on Metrc, any units you’re returning to a vendor will also need to be manifested and transferred in Metrc to the distributor picking them up.

Step 6: When you see the ‘Record Credit Note’ pop-up, select Yes if you want to create a credit note for the returned item(s) with the distributor now, or select No if you want to decide later.

If you select No, the item will appear on the Refunds page in Purchasing and you’ll have a choice to leave a credit note then, or dismiss (remove without creating a credit note).

NOTE: A credit note is used to record when a distributor has granted you a credit for a return. Any credit notes will be available to apply to incoming invoices from that distributor.


Destroy Inventory

To select items to destroy and remove from inventory, follow the steps below.

NOTE: For operators on Metrc, when you destroy inventory from any location the destruction is sent automatically to Metrc.

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control.

Step 2: Check the boxes on the far left side of the page for each batch you'd like to destroy.

NOTE: You can only take action on entire inventory batches. To destroy only certain units from an existing batch, you need to first split these units into their own batch. Review the Split Batches section above for step-by-step instructions.

Step 3: Click Destroy on the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: For each item, select the reason for the destruction from the 'Reason' dropdown. You can also submit additional information by clicking the notes icon.

You can apply the same reason and notes to every product being destroyed by filling out the fields across the top of the dialog box.

Step 5: Click Return to Distributor. This will remove the batch of items from your inventory in the Treez portal. The inventory items will also need to be physically destroyed following local and state regulations in tandem with this process.

NOTE: For operators on Metrc, this destruction is automatically sent to Metrc.

Step 6: When you see the ‘Record Credit Note’ pop-up, select Yes if you want to create a credit note for the destroyed item(s) with the distributor now, or select No if you want to decide later.

If you select No, the item will appear on the Refunds page in Purchasing and you’ll have a choice to leave a credit note then, or dismiss (remove without creating a credit note).


NOTE: A credit note is used to record when a distributor has granted you a distributor credit for a return. Any credit notes will be available to apply to incoming invoices.


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