Coaches Corner is your go to spot for all things programming. Here we will review the basics of Coaches Corner to help you set up the essentials.
There are a few items to define, which will help you understand how performance programming works within Coaches Corner. The items labeled Advanced Tutorial will be outlined in a separate tutorial.
Programming Levels
Programming Entry
Benchmarks (Advanced Tutorial)
Workout Categories (Advanced Tutorial)
Workout Priorities (Advanced Tutorial)
Athlete Divisions (Advanced Tutorial)
Workout sections are the core component of your performance programming within Triib. Sections (as in sections of your classes) are where you will:
Create categories for your programming
Give your coaches information for how the workouts should be run
Create general information notices to your athletes and coaches
Determine where each bit of programming should show. Your blog posts or on your TV screen displays and the app!
Creating Sections
The following image shows a typical section setup. This particular section shows you how you would set up a section that your athletes will submit a score. The information utilized in a section are:
Internal Name – The name that will display on the programming page for Coaches Corner. This helps you keep your programming clear to you when you’re creating your programming.
Display Name – The name that will be displayed to your athletes. For example, you might offer several types of classes (CrossFit, Bootcamp, Weightlifting, etc.) all containing different warm ups. For you to keep them straight when you’re programming you’ll have an internal name of Bootcamp Warm Up, but to not confuse your athletes, the display name will simply be Warm Up.
Create As Workout – Checking this checkbox will enable the creation of a new or the selection of an existing workout within the programming area of Coaches Corner. Workouts have various components such as a name, a description of the workout, optional categories and priorities, and how the workout will be scored.
Display on Blog? – Checking this checkbox will make this section information available on your workout blog.
Is Public – Checking this checkbox will make this section information available on your TV display screens and the Triib mobile app.
Completed Sections
The following image shows a standard set of programming sections that a gym might utilize, but remember, there are no limits to the way you create your programming!
To create programming you navigate to the Coaches Corner > Programming menu item. This will open a page that will have the look-and-feel of a spreadsheet.
At the top of the spreadsheet you will see the Date and Day, and then the sections that you created in the previous step.
Create Programming
To begin programming you simply click on one of the days and section columns you wish to add your programming information.
Creating a text-only section
The sections that you have created with the Create as Workout checkbox un-checked will be strictly text-entry boxes where you will simply type information that you want displayed to your athletes or coaches.
Creating a workout section
The sections that you have created with the Create as Workout checkbox checked will give you an option of either creating a new workout, or selecting an existing workout. If you choose to create a workout, you will be asked to enter your information for the workout. The name of the workout, by default, will be the date plus the section name. For example, “05/20/2016 – Strength”. You can change the name of the workout by simply clicking on the name entry box and changing it. Having named workouts makes it extremely easy for you to reprogram that workout again later simply by selecting the name of the workout (as shown in the second image below.)
Creating a Workout
Selecting Past Workout
Now that we have our sections and programming set up, it is time to designate which sections apply to which classes. To do so we will need create Programs! Go to our Setting Up Programs page to learn more!