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Setting Up Payment Alerts
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

To keep your head from spinning and you gym running smoothly, we've also given gym owners the ability to set up automated alerts! There are numerous alerts one can set up in their Triib account under Messaging; this article will focus on Payment Alerts.

What are Payment Alerts?

There are four different payment alert options you can create in Messaging > Email Templates > Payment Alert:

  1. Failed Payment 

  2. Expiring Credit Card

  3. Upcoming CC/ACH Payment

  4. Upcoming Cash Payment

These alerts allow gym owners to be automatically notified when any of these above actions occur, as well as send out a templated email to the member who this is effecting!

Creating Payment Alerts

Creating these payment alerts is a two step process:

  1. Create the email template

  2. Set up the alert

Payment Alert Templates

To set up the email templates for payment alerts, go to:

  • Messaging > Email Templates > Payment Alert

  • Go to the alert you wish to set up and click Create Template

  • You'll be directed to the template screen where you must enter the Email Template Name, Subject line, and Message

  • Save the template you've created

For more information about creating your own email templates, click here

Setting up the Alert

Once you've set up your payment alert email template, it's time to create the alert to attach it to! Go to:

  • Alerts > General Member > Click the green button that reads Add New General Member Alerts

  • You'll be directed to the alerts screen where you will choose the Alert Type from the drop down menu (be sure to select the alert for which you've just created an email template)

  • The Alert will automatically be checked off as Enabled. You also have the option to Alert your Class Coaching Staff

  • Finally, if you'd like to send members the payment alert email you just created automatically, check off Send member email and choose the template you wish to send

  • You're all set, you just created your first payment alert!

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