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No Show Report

You can pull a report of members who RSVP'd, but no-showed.

Aaron Ammerman avatar
Written by Aaron Ammerman
Updated over a week ago

In Triib, you are able to pull a report of members who RSVP'd to a class, but did not show up and check-in.

You can run this report for a single day or over a timeframe. You can do this two ways:

1. Class List Dashboard: From the Class List Dashboard, click View No Show Report and it will pull the no shows for that day.

2. Reports > No Show: From your Triib Dashboard, navigate to Reports > Attendance > No Shows

From here, you'll be able to choose a Start and End date, and run a report showing all members who RSVP'd for a class and then didn't show up to the class in that time period.

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