The Income Summary report is a great way to view your income at a high level, as well as get an estimate of forecasted revenue. To access this report go to Income Reports > Income Summary.
Income Summary Overview
The chart below breaks down the total number of non-zero invoices processed during a set timeframe.
The "Revenue" and "Fees/Refunds" sections report on invoices that have already been processed.
If the selected timeframe contains future dates, those dates will be included under the "Forecast Revenue" section. Within "Forecast Revenue," the "Product/Other" row reflects the total number of store purchases that have been added to members' monthly membership payments that have not been processed yet.
Chart Data
Under this section you will find several pie charts breaking down the following:
Paid & Pending: Breakdown of total gross revenue for processed invoices (including deposits that have either been paid or are currently pending).
Membership Summary: Paid and pending invoice breakdown by membership type.
Product Summary: Paid and pending invoice breakdown by product type.
Appointment Summary: Paid and pending invoice breakdown by Appointment Type.
Paid Summary: Breakdown of total gross revenue for processed invoices that have been deposited into your account (this excludes pending deposits).
Membership Income Summary
The Membership Income Summary chart shows a summary of paid and pending membership payments, broken down by cash and credit card/ACH payments.
Chart Key:
Cash #: Total number of memberships that have been paid for in cash.
Cash SubTotal: Pre-tax revenue total of memberships that have been paid for in cash.
Cash Tax: Total tax that has been charged on cash memberships.
Cash Total: Sum of Cash SubTotal + Cash Tax.
Pending #: Total number of membership invoices with pending deposits.
Pending SubTotal: Pre-tax revenue total of membership invoices with pending deposits.
Pending Tax: Total tax paid on membership invoices with pending deposits.
Pending Total: Sum of Pending SubTotal + Pending Tax.
Paid #: Total number of membership invoices (paid for by credit card/ACH) that have been processed and deposited.
Paid SubTotal: Total pre-tax revenue from membership invoices (paid for by credit card/ACH) that have been processed and deposited.
Paid Tax: Total tax that has been charged on membership invoices (paid for by credit card/ACH) that have been processed and deposited.
Paid Total: Sum of Paid SubTotal + Paid Tax.
Vendor Income Summary
The Vendor Income Summary report breaks down total product revenue by vendor. Please note that your products must be categorized into Vendors (Store > Vendors) for the Vendor Income Summary to work.
Chart Key:
Vendor: Name of the vendor.
Cash #: Total number of products that have been paid for in cash.
Cash SubTotal: Pre-tax revenue total of products that have been paid for in cash.
Cash Tax: Total tax that has been charged on products paid for in cash.
Cash Total: Sum of Cash SubTotal + Cash Tax.
Pending #: Total number of product invoices with pending deposits.
Pending SubTotal: Pre-tax revenue total of product invoices with pending deposits.
Pending Tax: Total tax paid on product invoices with pending deposits.
Pending Total: Sum of Pending SubTotal + Pending Tax.
Paid #: Total number of product invoices (paid for by credit card/ACH) that have been processed and deposited.
Paid SubTotal: Total pre-tax revenue from product invoices (paid for by credit card/ACH) that have been processed and deposited.
Paid Tax: Total tax that has been charged on product invoices (paid for by credit card/ACH) that have been processed and deposited.
Paid Total: Sum of Paid SubTotal + Paid Tax.
Refunds Breakdown
A breakdown of all refunds conducted during the set timeframe.
Chart Key:
Invoice #: Invoice that was refunded (includes a link to the invoice)
Created: Date and time the refund was created.
First Name: First name of the member receiving the refund.
Last Name: Last name of the member receiving the refund.
Description: Reason for the refund.
Amount: The refund total.