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Daily Overview Report

Explanation on what the daily overview report is on the dashboard

Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

The Daily Overview Report is your one stop shop for daily reporting at your gym! It starts off by showing the day's gross revenue, net revenue, and a breakdown of revenue by category (i.e. memberships, products, etc.).

Next is displays any member changes, such as newly added or removed members.

Overall Period End Gym Statistics

This section of the Daily Overview Report reflects the total active members (memberships + attendance packs counted as active members), total class attendance, average class attendance, as well as the total drop ins, free trials, and on ramps for the day.

General Information

The final section of the Daily Overview Report shows the top 20 members with the highest attendance month-to-date, as well as birthdays for the month.

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