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Staff Access Settings
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

When adding in a staff member (Members > Add New Member > select Admins, Staff or Coaches), you can give them one of three basic levels of access:

  1. Admins can see Affiliate-Sensitive information, such as billing and pricing information, pay rates, etc.

  2. Staff members can manage non-affiliate-sensitive information of your affiliate, such as class schedules.

  3. Coaches appear in your schedule creation page, allowing you to set them as a coach for a class.

Once at least one of the three settings above are selected, you can then set further staff access restrictions on each individual staff members' profile!

Navigate to Staff > View Staff > select "Manage Staff Member" > Under "Advanced Access Settings" select "Edit Access Settings."

From here simply check off the boxes next to the settings you would like for the staff member to have access to:

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