How to add a product folder πŸ“
Juliette Suvitha avatar
Written by Juliette Suvitha
Updated over a week ago

In my other article, we discussed how to organize assets in your company's platform using the "Product" column dropdown and the Bulk Apply feature. In this guide, we will take a step back and explain how to add a new Product folder to your asset library. By creating specific Product folders, you can better manage and categorize your assets, and even generate better copy lines for your campaigns, briefs, or products. Let's walk through the process of adding a new Product folder.

Step 1: Accessing the Asset Library

  1. Log in to your workspace and navigate to the asset library section.

  2. On the left panel of the asset library, look for the "Add product" option highlighted in purple and click on it.

Step 2: Inputting Product Folder Details

  1. After clicking on "Add product," you will be directed to a new page where you can input the details for your new Product folder.

  2. Start by giving your Product folder a name that reflects its content. This name will help you identify the folder easily later on.

  3. Next, provide a comprehensive product description. The product description is a crucial aspect as it will be used to generate copy lines for your campaigns, briefs, or products. Ensure you include relevant keywords related to the specific campaign or product you're promoting.

Step 3: Uploading Product Assets

  1. Once you've filled in the product name and description, you can proceed to upload your product assets.

  2. Click on the "Upload" button or import your assets from URL directly into the designated folder.

  3. Supported file formats may include png, jpegs, and mp4.

Step 4: Finalizing the Product Folder Addition

  1. Before finalizing, review the product name, description, and uploaded assets to ensure accuracy.

  2. If everything looks good, click on "Done" to save your new Product folder.

Step 5: Utilizing the Generated Copy Lines

  1. Once the Product folder is created, the platform will automatically extract keywords from the product description you provided.

  2. These keywords will be used to generate copy lines for your campaigns or products, saving you time and effort in crafting compelling content.

Adding a new Product folder to your asset library is a straightforward process that enhances your asset organization capabilities and content generation efficiency. By including a relevant product description, you unlock the platform's ability to generate copy lines based on your keywords, streamlining your marketing and promotional efforts. Take advantage of this feature to keep your assets organized and make the most of your campaigns and product promotions.

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