What does the letter that is etched on the silver part of the lamp stand for?
Q = Quartz A = Blue BL = Near UV CW = Cool White D = Daylight
Can I purchase replacement lamps from Turner Designs?
We regret to inform you that since we obsoleted our 10-AU, we no longer have any lamps in stock for customer purchase. An example lamp ID is Lamp, Daylight WHT, F4T5, 400-600NM. It’s a lamp manufacturer’s code to use. Unfortunately, I do not have any recommendations for lamp suppliers. There are fewer of them around which caused us to obsolete the 10-AU due to shrinking supply. My suggestion is to check around online or see if eBay has a few of them.
Some customers have stated success using https://www.1000bulbs.com/product/445/AU-LG04T5.html# for their LAMP - CLEAR QUARTZ, G4T5. We have no knowledge or guarantees that this is a suitable replacement long-term.
What are the black stripes on the 10-AU Lamps for?
It was a high temperature resisting black paint that was added on to the lamp to block out excess light and keep the lamp from overheating.
How do I get the 10AU Spreadsheet Interface Software?
The 10AU Spreadsheet Interface Software can be downloaded for free, it can be found under the Spreadsheet software folder (Trilogy, AquaFluor, and 10-AU): https://tinyurl.com/DataBank2023
Can I use another program instead of the Spreadsheet interface software?
Any terminal program works. If you have programs similar to HyperTerminal or PuTTY software, those will read out data. You will need to manually copy and paste lines of code out into an Excel sheet which is made easier if you used the Spreadsheet software instead.
When using the Spreadsheet Interface Software (SIS) for the 10AU, is there a way to manually force a reading?
If you start the SIS software and then go into the 10AU serial data settings, choose 1 from the main menu, then 5 for serial data. Set the interval for 0 seconds. This will turn off the streaming data from the serial port. Now, when you press a number (0-9) on the 10-AU keypad it will output a reading. If you are doing discrete sample reading, you can define when you actually want to record the reading on the SIS Excel file.
Is there an Emergency Data Recovery function for the 10AU?
One way to recover data files that have been corrupted in the 10AU is to use the older DOS version software (IDL_1B1). Select the "Download Electronic Chart Recorder from Instrument to File" in the software and the files can be downloaded one page at a time. See the 10AU users manual, Appendix 11, Section F. When you are viewing the data via the ECR (Electronic Chart Recorder), at the bottom of the screen (on the 10AU) you will see <1> <2> <3> pg up <4> <6>pg down <9> , when you hit the <9> key on the 10AU it will send that page of data to the IDL_1B1 program. If you have multiple pages of data it can take a bit of time to do it this way. After the data has been recovered, do an "Erase data from memory" on the 10-AU. This should clear out the corruption. When logging data, the logging should be "stopped" before power is removed.
http://www.turnerdesigns.com/t2/sw/IDL_1B1.zip NOTE: This emergency recovery program will not install/run on a PC that is running a 64-bit version of Windows 7.
If the popup zip file IDL_1B1.zip is blocked, please use our OneDrive: https://tinyurl.com/DataBank2023
Navigate to the 10AU folder
How do I install the Excitation Filter Assembly P/N 10-150 and the Emission Filter Assembly P/N 1000-260 into my 10AU?
Please refer to the attached instructions. http://docs.turnerdesigns.com/t2/doc/FAQ/S-0140.pdf
I am having trouble extracting Data from the 10-AU?
10AU SOFTWARE Version 1.0 tends to work better than 2.1 since it can still extract data even when the file is corrupted compared to 2.1 which stops at corrupted data. Please use our OneDrive: https://tinyurl.com/DataBank2023
Navigate to the 10AU folder.
How do I set the Basic Operating Level and calibration of the 10AU?
The following presentations take you through the steps of a basic calibration. 10AU Calibration for Rhodamine WT
http://docs.turnerdesigns.com/t2/doc/instructions/998-0018.pdf 10AU Calibration for Rhodamine WT Flow-Through Systems
http://docs.turnerdesigns.com/t2/doc/instructions/S-0147.pdf 10AU Calibration for Chlorophyll
What do the 10-AU-005-CE Filter Holders look like?
What is the Basic Operating Level on the 10AU for the Ammonium application?
The basic operating level for the 10AU must be set any time that you change applications. If your other application is chlorophyll, each time you switch between chlorophyll and ammonium the basic operating level must be set again. To set the basic operating level for ammonium, first you must obtain a standard sample of ammonium. Using either protocol A or protocol B of the Holmes method, "A simple and precise method for measuring ammonium in marine and freshwater ecosystems" (pg. 1803), choose a standard and decide where, within the total range of the instrument, this standard represents. For example, if you create a 5µmol/L standard and know that this represents an average concentration for the environment you are working in you will choose to set the sensitivity so that the 5µmol/L standard results in a 50% signal in the medium concentration range. If the 5µmol/L standard represents a high concentration compared to what you expect to find in the field you may decide to set the sensitivity so the 5µmol/L standard results in a 50% signal in the high concentration range.
1. Turn on the 10AU and allow it to warm up for at least 10 minutes.
2. From the Home screen press ENTER. This will take you to the main menu.
3. Choose 2 Calibration. This will take you to screen 2.0 (screen number is listed in the top right hand corner of the display).
4. Choose 4 Set Concentration Range. You should be at screen 2.4. Choose the appropriate concentration range (Low, Medium or High). Press ESC
5. Choose 3 to get to screen 2.3 and set range control to manual.
6. Hit the ESC button twice to go back to screen 2.0 then choose 6 to go to screen 2.6. Follow the instructions and reset the calibration to default.
7. Hit ESC twice to go back to the main menu, choose 3, then hit the ENT button. You should be at screen 3.2.
8. Loosen the sensitivity lock on the front panel of the instrument by using the allen wrench that is stored next to the sensitivity adjustment knob, near the power button.
9. Insert your standard and replace sample cap.
10. Using the sensitivity knob slowly turn the knob to adjust the %FS to the appropriate value for your standards concentration. A deviation of ± 5% is acceptable. Turn the sensitivity adjustment knob a little at a time and allow the FS% to settle before making another adjustment.
11. When the %FS reaches the designated value, tighten the sensitivity locking screw with the wrench. Go back to screen 2.4 and set the range control to Auto.
What if I want to buy 10AU filters from another manufacturer?
Is there a guide to what filters and lamp I should use for each 10AU Application?
The table below is a great reference to find the individual part numbers for filters that belong to a specific kit. It also lists lamps and attenuator plates that are used with each kit. You will notice under the column marked PMT (installed), either a standard or RED listed. This indicates if the 10AU needs to have a Red sensitive PMT or not.
What filter set can be used to measure histamine on the 10AU?
This filter set has been successfully used to measure histamine on the TD-700 and 10AU.
Lamp: 10-049 Near UV Excitation
Excitation Filter 10-069R: Filter 300-400 NM Round
Emission Filter #1 10-061R: Filter 390-500 NM
Emission Filter #2 10-059R: > 410 NM
Reference Filter: 10-300: soft Glass >300NM
Tubes to Use: 13mm x 100nm PN: 10-031
What can you use to clean the fluorometer filters?
To clean the filters in the 10AU you can use a combination of lens tissue and molecular lens cleaner. One brand is Purosol http://purosol.com/products/optical/
What is Turner Designs Part Number 1000-260 and what does it look like?
How do I install the Rhodamine Optical Kit Filter in the 10AU?
Place the orange filter 10-052R in the Emission paddle first, then the blue 10-058R on top of the orange one. The orientation should have the orange filter closer to the PMT and the blue one closer to the sample.
Which way do I install a mirrored filter in the 10AU?
Turner Designs recommends installing the mirrored side facing towards the lamp to help reflect excess heat from the lamp. If both sides of the filter have mirrored sides, use your best judgment on which side seems most reflective. The difference in performance is extremely subtle and will not be significant to your readings. In the case of the Excitation filter the mirrored side should be facing the lamp and with the Emission filter the Mirrored side should face the sample. The key is to make sure you replace the filters as they were in order to ensure consistency in your readings over time.
How often should I replace my 10-AU filters?
They last upwards of 5 years.
Why does the Acid factor differ between the Trilogy and the 10-AU?
You are not the only one who has noticed that difference between the 10-AU and Trilogy. A large part in the difference of the acid factor being 1.7 on the Trilogy and 2 on the 10-AU comes down to the internal components used.
The difference in reading would be based on the light sources and filters. The Trilogy is a far better unit with LEDs and a filter that can last decades with consistent results from what I have seen from other customers. The 10-AU degrades in a shorter time and can have unstable readings compared to the tech we use today
What would cause a decreasing Acid Ratio on the 10-AU?
If a sudden change is noted in the acid ratio the first things to check are the lamp and filters. Make sure that the excitation and emission filters are in the correct positions and the lamp is on and it is the correct part number for your application.
We have been having some issues with variable readings and high blanks. We'll often use filtered seawater as our blank, but the values for this blank have risen quite a bit in the last month. Further, they have been quite variable.
This may indicate that the Basic Operating Level of the 10-AU needs adjusting. Refer to the steps listed in this section to set this. The other thing that could cause this is opto-electrical in nature.
• Has this unit ever been serviced?
• If you look inside the optic area and identify the polarizers, do they appear faded?
• If this is the case, the 10AU may need to come back to the factory for servicing. The filters that you are using may also be degrading.
• Are they more than 6 years old? As the filters degrade, they will allow more wavelengths of light to pass through, causing instability. There are several things that can cause variable readings, check the sensitivity first then the polarizers and filters next.
• A dying lamp can also cause problems, they typically last for about 8000 hrs. If you have a spare, you can also replace this.
The sensitivity is not changing when I adjust the sensitivity screw on the 10AU, what can I do?
If you are having trouble adjusting the sensitivity screw (no response), make sure to loosen the sensitivity lock on the front panel of the instrument by using the allen wrench that is stored next to the sensitivity adjustment knob near the power button. If you have done this and are still having problems, sometimes the polarizer can be slipping on the shaft. Check the attached diagram to see where to tighten it down if necessary.
How do I use the Solid Secondary Standard on the 10AU?
How does changing the Basic Operation Level affect the sensitivity of the 10AU?
When you go through the steps of setting the basic operating level of the 10AU you are setting the sensitivity of the instrument. This is achieved by the use of two pie-shaped pieces of polarizer material in the optical compartment of the 10AU. These can be seen by removing the front cover of the 10-AU and looking in the lower right-hand side of the optics compartment. There is a light pipe wrapped in black electrical tape that is used to provide feedback to the PMT. The polarizers increase or decrease the amount of reference light that is going back to the PMT. The more light that is allowed to flow through the light pipe as a reference the lower the sensitivity and conversely the more light that is obstructed by the polarizer assembly the higher the sensitivity. A good way to think about it is, in a dark room (more polarizer effect), it is easier to see smaller (lower concentrations) points of light. I would encourage you to take the front cover off the 10AU and look in the compartment to the right of the lamp. If you loosen the sensitivity set screw and turn the adjustment, you will be able to see the piece of polarizer turning on the adjustment shaft.
What do I do if the 10AU Sensitivity FS% will not change?
When you are adjusting the sensitivity or basic operating level of the 10AU, if you can not observe any change in the FS% on screen 3.2 check and do the following:
• Check to make sure the lamp and filters are installed properly.
• Check to make sure you are in the manual gain control mode and in the proper range (High, Medium or low).
• If after checking the above two items you are still experiencing problems go to screen 2.0 and press <6> reset calibration defaults to clear the internal settings and restore to factory defaults.
• In extreme fouling conditions the FS % may not be adjustable. The operator can check this when confirming the lamp/filters are installed correctly.
What is the location of the set screw and sensitivity screw on the 10AU?
The sensitivity adjustment actually consists of two different set points. The 1st is a "set-screw". The set screw is used for locking in the main adjustment once you have the reading where you want it. The set screw is located just to the left of the keypad (there is an allen wrench that is stored in the unit by the red power light/switch). When this set screw is turned counter clockwise and loosened, you will be able to adjust the sensitivity screw. The 2nd is the actual "sensitivity adjustment screw". It is located to just to the left of the red power indicator and allen wrench storage. When the set screw is loosened with your fingers you can slowly turn this screw while viewing screen 3.2 the FS% value will change.
What are the maximum and minimum flow rates for the continuous flow cuvette for the 10AU?
The flow rate of water moving through the continuous flow can be regulated with the use of a pump. The most important thing to remember is to not exceed 25psig. If you are taking measurements that require special attention to temperature such as Rhodamine WT and Chlorophyll, extremely low flow rates could raise the temperature of the sample during passage through the flow cell. Turner Designs recommends a minimum flow rate of 50 mL per minute. When you are measuring in vivo chlorophyll, it is recommended that the flow rate not exceed 600mL per minute.
How do I install and/or remove the 10AU Flow cell?
P/N 10-AU-020 or 10-AU-080 25mm One-Piece Flow Cell
P/N 1100-020 or 1100-080 25mm One-Piece Flow Cell
Where can I find instructions to the Sample Pump P/N 10-595?
What is the diameter tubing required for the dye pump?
10-AU dye pump accepts either 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch tubing.
I want to use my 10AU for a dye application, do you have any documentation to help me get setup?
What is the minimum measuring volume that can be used with the 13mm test tubes for the 10AU?
A minimum volume of 4.5 ml should be used with the 13mm test tubes for the 10AU to accurately measure the solution without interference.
What can I do if the 10AU Auto Range setting is not working?
This procedure will erase your calibration data. Your 10AU will need to be recalibrated after you complete this procedure.
1) Check screen 2.0 to make sure that the gain control is set to AUTO.
2) Write down your current settings, for example: note all of the settings on screen 2.0. Also write down the temperature compensation values at screen 1.7. Pressing the Back Arrow key from the Home page gives you the Full Scale Concentration values.
3) Go to diagnostic screen 3.2 and press the following five keys *0521
4) Select item 3, Reset NVRAM
5) Press the 0 key ten times and you will see the display flash and go back to the initial start up screen.
I get the following 10AU Error message: “Some NVRAM data are Corrupted”, and incorrect system clock readings. What does it mean and how can I fix it?
If this error message is received, first try to do a NVRAM reset by doing the following:
1) Write down your current settings, for example the Calibration at the Screen 2 Calibration, your temperature compensation values at screen 1.7, also pressing the Back Arrow key from the Home page gives you the Full Scale Concentration values.
2) Go to diagnostic screen 3.2 and press the following five keys *0521
3) Select item 3, Reset NVRAM
4) Press the 0 key ten times and you will see the display flash and go back to the initial start up screen.
At this point, the memory has been reset, so you need to re-enter the setting values you noted in Step 1 above and prepare to re-calibrate the unit. If the error message is received again after the power is cycled, then the NVRAM needs replacing.The NVRAM chip contains the real-time clock functions and internal battery that typically lasts about 8 years or so. When the battery inside the chip fails, it is necessary to replace the NVRAM.
When the error is displayed on power-up, if you press the 1 key (restore default) it will perform a memory refresh and sometimes temporarily helps until the power is turned off / on again. A NVRAM replacement kit part number 10-AU-460 is no longer available to purchase.
Is it possible to change out the 10AU Datalogger memory?
The battery for the IDL memory typically lasts for more than 6 years. If your 10AU is over 6 years old and has the IDL option, you may want to consider having the battery for the IDL replaced. If the 10AU is not holding IDL data after the unit has been powered down, then the smartsocket should be changed out. The battery module is made in a socket type configuration. For assistance with installation contact Turner Designs Technical Support. The Replacement Datalogger Chip 005-0244 is no longer available for purchase.
What can I do if my 10AU Temperature Compensation is not working?
If you purchased the temperature compensation package for your 10-AU then screen 1.7 should be available to you. The screen numbers on the 10-AU are located at the bottom right-hand corner of the display once you enter the main menu section. One reason for not being able to see screen 1.7 is if the temperature probe is not connected. The temperature probe connects to a small port covered with a protective cap on the front bottom left side of the unit. Once the probe is connected screen 1.7 will be visible to you. If you connect the probe and the temperature compensation screens are still not visible to you, check the connector to make sure that it is fully seated. Also, check the pins on the male end of the probe to make sure they are not bent or broken. There should be four pins total on the temperature probe.
How do I reset the 10AU Security?
The Security ID password can be Enabled or Disabled at screen 1.64. The password scheme is as follows - Enter the 4 digit ID password number based on the current Day of Month and Time in Minutes, in reverse. Here is an example - The date is May 06, 2012 and the time is 2:35 PM as displayed on the Home screen of the 10-AU. You would then enter the following 4 digits 6053 and this would let you in. Of course as time elapses the password changes. It can be disabled at screen 1.64, if you like.
What is the length of time a 10AU will run on an auto battery?
The following results were achieved under specific testing conditions, your results may vary. Tested Car battery used with 10-AU. New Lead-acid battery fully charged. Rated at 675, Cranking amps (CA) and 540 Cold cranking amps (CCA)
The 10-AU ran for approximately 48 hours before the 10AU Power indicator went to 0 %. Started with Volts = 12.6 v. After running almost 48 hours, volts = 11.3 v, power level = 88%. Turned off overnight – restarted power level = 84% and 2 hours later was 61%, then dropped to 48% in another hour and 10-AU was off an hour after that. Batt. Volts = 9.6v
Where can I purchase PN 10-089 lamp bulbs for the 10-AU?
While it is not our intention to leave our users without support, we are unable to fulfill any requests related to purchasing items for the 10-AU, servicing, or repairs. I regret to inform you that since we obsoleted our 10-AU, we no longer have any lamps in stock for customer purchase. The lamp ID is Lamp, Daylight WHT, F4T5, 400-600NM. It’s a lamp manufacturer’s code to use. Unfortunately, I do not have any recommendations for lamp suppliers. There are fewer of them around which caused us to obsolete the 10-AU due to shrinking supply. My suggestion is to check around online and see if eBay has a few of them.
Can I purchase parts for the 10-AU?
While it is not our intention to leave our users without support, we are unable to fulfill any requests related to purchasing items for the 10-AU, servicing, or repairs. The internal components we use to make those models and repairs have become obsolete and our manufacturer for those parts do not make them any longer. The best option for repairs is to purchase older units off of eBay for parts. If your application still requires a benchtop fluorometer, our newer model called the Trilogy would be a suitable replacement. However, if your application now requires a different instrument, please feel free to get in touch with our sales department for assistance.
TD700 is no longer supported, but do you sell replacement filters and lamps?
Unfortunately, we no longer sell any filters or parts associated with the TD-700. This is mainly due to the lack of viable suppliers that we had to obsolete this instrument. You may have some success looking for lamps around on the internet, but they are few and far between these days.
Updated over a month ago