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AquaFluor Handheld Fluorometer FAQs
AquaFluor Handheld Fluorometer FAQs

Frequently asked questions on the AquaFluor Handheld Fluorometer

Updated over 2 months ago

What solvent was used to determine AquaFluor’s detection limits for chlorophyll extraction (acidification)?

AquaFluor chlorophyll extraction (acidification) detection limits were determined using Acetone as a standard solution.

My AquaFluor has negative values displayed after reading?

They are a variety of factors that can cause the AquaFluor to display negative values while reading samples.

1. Ensure you are using the right liquid standard solution for calibration, if your device is showing negative values, that is one indication that there may be a problem with your solutions or a problem with your blank.

2. The calibration blank you set your AquaFluor to may be reading higher than your field samples. Such as calibration to tap water and then switching over to usage in the field with deionized water. For better results, try calibrating the AquaFluor to filtered water from your sampling area and normal calibration solutions.

The AquaFluor has light rejection, but it does not work if sunlight is out.

While the AquaFluor does have its own ambient light detection and can factor that out. Readings taken under direct sunlight will saturate the photo diode. Try shading the cover with hand, close the cover over the sampling well, or take readings under shade.

How to clean the AquaFluor?

Use a soft cloth such as a microfiber towel to clean and wipe up the interior optical well on the AquaFluor. Any resulting spills inside of here should be cleaned up immediately to prevent damage to the photo diodes and electronics.

What happens if I spill solvents inside the AquaFluor and the optical readings are affected?

If your AquaFluor and subsequent readings are no longer reading as expected after spilling solvents in the optical well, the only option is to reach out to for information on repairs if possible or purchase a new unit.

AquaFluor won’t turn on.

Check and see if the batteries are inserted properly. Align the negative end/flat part of the battery with the spring. Lightly press the on button. You should feel feedback of the button going down. If this does not work after 5 tries, contact

Do you have a recommendation on how fast we should process an environmental sample if reading chlorophyll a with the AquaFluor? What would the recommendation be if doing dye testing with Rhodamine?

How fast you should process and environmental sample for chlorophyll a or dye testing with the AquaFluor depends on what data you’re trying to retrieve from your efforts. Are you monitoring algal change over time or snapshot of abundance at the moment. If you’re looking at monitoring, then typical is 5 minute intervals unless you’re doing a 1 day study. The second factor would be timeframe in which you’re conducting your testing. For dye tracing with Rhodamine WT for time or travel studies, it will again depend on your setup and length of study. There are no standard answers or recommendations I provide for these kinds of questions without fully understanding the details of your study. We’re happy to help as much as we can, our support team will simply need to discuss your experiment or study. Feel free to reach out to us at for more information.

Can I use this AquaFluor for freshwater or marine sampling?

Yes, the AquaFluor can be used with any water samples, fresh or marine.

What is the best way to calibrate the AquaFluor, and which standards are advised for ChlA and PC?

We have a helpful guide on calibration for the AquaFluor available here: Turner Designs AquaFluor Handheld Fluorometer. Additionally, you can refer to our page for all calibration types with associated instruments: Calibration Solutions for Various Instruments | Turner Designs Help Center.

What can I use to calibrate my AquaFluor?

Turner Designs sells liquid dye standards that can be used for calibration of some applications, other applications require other materials. Please refer to the technical note below for instructions and recommended part numbers.

How come I am unable to read high concentrations of ammonium on my AquaFluor with a cuvette? Why do I need to use the minicells?

Due to the optical configuration for the AquaFluor ammonium channel, large volumes of highly concentrated samples over-saturate the sensor. Rather than reducing the sensitivity and linear range of the optics by adding an attenuator plate, we advise using the smaller volume minicells that achieve these limits. Readings on the ammonium channel using plastic cuvettes have a maximum range of approximately 10 µM, whereas minicells are required to achieve maximum range readings of >10 to100 µM. Turner Designs now includes a minicell adapter and minicells with your order of an AquaFluor with an ammonium channel.

How come when I received my AquaFluor channels are labeled A and B? I am measuring chlorophyll and turbidity, is it possible to change the labels?

If you would like to change the labels on the AquaFluor it is a very simple fix:

  1. When the instrument is first turned on and going through the countdown you need to press the <CAL> button 6 times.

  2. This will bring up a screen that says A = A, you can then use the <ENTER> button to select the title of choice. For example A = CHL.

  3. Once you have selected the title you want, press the <ESC> button and the change is made.

What turbidity standards should I use to calibrate the AquaFluor?

GFS Chemicals has developed and certified new turbidity standards that are specifically engineered for optimal performance of the AquaFluor made by Turner Designs instruments. The AquaFluor has specific primary turbidity standards that should be used when calibrating.
Contact information:
GFS Chemicals Inc. 3041 Home Road, Powell, OH 43065 Via Phone: Tel 877-534-0795 Amco Clear Water Analysis Division GFS Chemicals Inc.

  • 10 NTU - GFS Part Number 8545

  • 100 NTU - GFS Part Number 8546

Will the upper and lower sensitivity limitations for reading Chlorophyll on the AquaFluor be affected when reading water samples with high turbidity?

High turbidity can effect the limitations set on the AquaFluor for chlorophyll in vivo. The link below describes how to compensate for the effects of turbidity when reading for chlorophyll:

How do I recover a turned off channel on the AquaFluor?

Please follow the steps below to recover a lost channel on the AquaFluor. This information is also available on the AquaFluor Quick Diagnosis Guide. This guide does not work if the AquaFluor you have was not installed with two applicational optics. You can verify this using the label on the back and viewing if there is text data next to the sections that say Channel A or Channel B.

What can I do if the AquaFluor display is too dark or too light?

You can adjust the AquaFluor display for contract to make it darker or lighter on screen. Follow the steps below to adjust the display or use our AquaFluor Quick Diagnosis Guide.

What cuvette do I need to use for Optical Brightener application of the AquaFluor?

For Optical Brighteners application on the AquaFluor, we recommend using Methacrylate cuvettes, or glass or quartz round bottom test tubes (12 x 75 mm). Please refer to the Optical Specification Guide for the AquaFluor for additional information.

How do I use the solid secondary standard PN 8000-952 or PN 8000-951 with the AquaFluor?

The solid secondary standard is a great tool for tracking instrument performance and can be used after calibration with a primary standard to check the AquaFluor. On a periodic basis, before making measurements with the AquaFluor, use the solid secondary standard to verify the calibration. If the solid secondary standard value has changed by more than ± 5% of its assigned value, the AquaFluor should be recalibrated. The solid secondary standard can also be used to set the instrument for in vivo applications. After calibration of the AquaFluor with a liquid standard, adjust the solid secondary standard to match the readings displayed with the liquid standard. Please refer to the below Technical Note on how to use a solid standard.

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