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Sales and Support
Documents relating to Turner Designs Sales and Support
9 articles
List of DistributorsWhere to find Turner Designs Instruments Internationally.
Contact Turner DesignsHow to get ahold of our Sales and Support Team in the United States
How to Clean Instruments from Turner DesignsHow to clean and maintain instruments
Safety Data SheetsWhere can I get the MSDS for the Calibration Solutions?
How to Determine your Version of Window OS?Getting software associated on 64-bit or 32-bit operating systems.
What is RFU or Raw Fluorescence Units?What does RFU stand for in Turner Designs Instruments?
Case Studies, Scientific Journals and ArticlesResearch articles linked with the usage of Turner Designs Instrumentation in the field.
What Dataloggers work with your Sensors?3rd Party Datalogger integration with Submersible instruments
Who is Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments?Is Turner Designs Inc. the same as Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments?