When your teammate can't see your projects, there are a few scenarios that may explain why this is happening. Thinking of that, this article is here to help you troubleshoot and make sure everything is set correctly to share your projects with your teammates.
Note: If you are a co-host you might not have permission to manage teammates and projects on your account due to your main host's settings.
Make sure you are connected to your teammate 🤝🏻
Check if you are connected with your teammate on your My Team page:
If you don't see your teammate on the list, try inviting them to connect. Click "Invite Teammate(s)" on the top right:
📑 Note: If your teammate has already created an account, invite them using the email address they use on Turno to automatically connect. For additional help, see our guide on how to invite your teammate.
Add your teammate to your property 🏡
If you are connected to the teammate but they still can't see your projects, make sure they are enabled on your property here:
On this page, you can view the teammates that are enabled on the property just below the address information or guest checkout code, labeled as Primary Teammate(s) and Backup Teammate(s).
You can also click on the three dots button and select "Update Property" on the property card (or simply click on its name). Then, navigate to the Teammates tab to make sure the teammate you are looking for is assigned to the property.
If they're not showing on the Teammates list of the property, click "Add teammates to this property" on the top right:
Follow this procedure for every property you wish your teammate to receive projects from. To know more about enabling/disabling teammates and the differences between primary and backup teammates, check out the guide: ⬇️
Check your teammate's priority
If you have primary and back up teammates on your property, your backups will not see projects associated with that property until all primaries reject them, or if you open them up to backups.
To open a project to back up teammates, click the option to "Show to back up teammates" under the menu on the project card.
For more information on how priority works, see this guide:
Ensure your property is importing your bookings 🗓️
In order to make Turno generate cleaning projects, it is necessary to connect your listings with their counterparts on your booking platform. Check your property settings to see if the property is connected.
In the "Sync" tab, under "Calendars" you can see if your property is syncing with an iCal calendar or with your integration.
If the property doesn't have a calendar, nothing will show at the bottom of this page. To connect a calendar, follow one of these guides:
Make your projects visible to teammates 👀
If your teammate is on your team and is assigned to your property, and still can't see the projects from your calendar, make sure your projects are visible to them. You can see if a project is visible or hidden from teammates on the List page under Projects.
On the Pending Projects tab, click on the project to see its card. If it is labeled "Hidden from teammates", you can make it visible by clicking on the three dots button and then selecting "Make project visible to teammates". This action will send the project to the primary teammates enabled on the property.
Your primary teammates will be notified and will be able to accept the project. Backup teammates will only see it after all the primaries reject it, or if you click the option to "Show to backup teammates".
If you have multiple projects that are hidden from teammates, you can access your Properties page and look for a link that says “Make them all visible” on the property card:
Click it to make all projects in that property visible to your primary teammates. ✅
Alternatively, to make sure you don't have to do this every time you have new projects, check your property settings to see if new projects are being made visible to your teammates automatically. This is available as an option under the "Sync" tab:
To know more about hiding projects or making them visible, check out the following guide:
Check if you need to re-send the project offer to your teammate
It is possible that your teammate rejected the project on their end, so now they can't see it. When a teammate rejects a project, it disappears from their schedule, and they can no longer access it.
However, you can offer a project to a teammate again after they rejected it. On the website version of Turno, find the project and offer it back to the teammate who is not seeing it.
Here is a guide with more details on how to offer a project back to a teammate:
Check if the project is expired
When the time of a project passes, it will be come expired and will not be assignable anymore. This also removes the project from your teammates' schedules, so they cannot see it or accept it from their end either.
If your project has expired, you may need to create a manual project for a future time to replace it.
An expired project will have an "expired" tag on its card.
Note: Expired projects cannot be assigned and therefore cannot be completed. However, if a project expires while assigned to a teammate, that teammate can still mark it as completed at any time. Make sure you do not remove the teammate after the project has expired, as you will not be able to re-assign it.
Check if the project was accepted by another teammate
While your project is unassigned, all teammates with access to it can see it. However, once one of your teammates accepts a project, it becomes unavailable to all other teammates, and can only be accessed by you and the teammate who accepted it (who is now assigned to it).
To confirm if a project has been assigned to another cleaner, take a look at the project card. If you see the name of a teammate in the "Teammate" field, that means that the project is assigned to that teammate.
Otherwise, the "Teammate" field will show "unassigned" instead of the name of a teammate.
If the teammate assigned is not the one you want to give your project to, you can remove the current teammate in order to make the project available to the teammate you want to assign to the project. Here is how: