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Making Projects Visible or Hidden

Turno projects can be automatically or manually made visible or hidden to your teammates

Isa avatar
Written by Isa
Updated over a week ago

On Turno, hosts have the flexibility to manage cleaning project visibility either manually or automatically. This feature allows for seamless control, empowering hosts to tailor their experience based on individual preferences and specific project requirements. 🌟

💡 The default project visibility setting in Turno

When you connect with a teammate on Turno, whether by inviting them to the platform or by accepting their bid in the marketplace, they must be enabled on your property or properties to see the projects available on your schedule.

By default, adding a teammate to your property gives them automatic access to unassigned projects, unless the respective visibility setting is disabled.

If the option is active, new cleaning projects are promptly forwarded to enabled teammates, but you can also hide unassigned projects, which will then hide them from all teammates that have been added to that particular property so they won't be able to see or accept them.

Please note that booking reservations cannot be displayed to teammates; they will only see the associated cleaning projects. This cannot be changed. ⚠️

💡 Setting your property to automatically make projects visible or hidden

To enable or disable the general visibility option of projects, access our website and click on the hamburger icon on the top left of your screen. Then select Properties and click the green circle icon with three dots to choose Update Property.

Next, navigate to the Calendars tab. In the Options section, you'll find a checkbox labeled Make projects visible from my calendars to this property's teammates, which you can enable or disable according to your preference.

If the option is left disabled, projects will be hidden by default as they are generated. This way, you have the option to manually control when each project becomes visible to your teammates.

Alternatively, when enabled, this setting automates the action of making projects visible to your teammates, adhering to the chosen option in the available drop-down menu. You can choose to let projects be visible right away when they get generated or some time before their start time, up to 8 weeks before the start time of each project. 

💡 Manually making projects visible

Some hosts prefer more control over their projects, so it's common for them to keep projects hidden from teammates initially. They post their projects later when ready for cleaning, an approach that ensures more privacy.

To manually set a project as visible, navigate to the Schedule page. Once there, click on the specific project you wish to update the visibility for. A pop-up card will appear with the Make Project Visible option, as illustrated in the screenshot below.

You can also click on Details to view the project card and select the green dotted button. A menu will open with a few options for the project, including the ability to choose to Make project visible to teammates as well.

On the List page, click on a project, and you'll see that the project card will be displayed right next to your list of projects. The project card has a button to Make project visible to teammates.

Clicking on the green dotted button, a menu with a few options for the project will open, also including the ability to choose to Make project visible to teammates.

💡 Hiding projects manually 

It's a frequent occurrence for hosts who initially scheduled a specific project to find the necessity of reversing its visibility for various reasons like no longer requiring cleaning services, choosing to handle the cleaning personally, or adjusting arrangements due to unforeseen circumstances or scheduling conflicts, for example. If you ever want to not share one specific project with your teammates, Turno offers the ability to do so without having to delete it.

Hiding unassigned projects 🔕

To manually hide one specific project, go to the Schedule page and click on the project to access the project pop-up. Click Details, and the project card will appear next to your calendar.

Click the green dotted button to reveal a menu with project options, where you can select Hide project from teammates.

The project will now display an icon of a crossed eye, which means that this project is currently hidden (not visible).

You can also hide a project on the List page. Click a project to reveal its card next to your list of projects. Then, click the green dotted circle button for options. For instance, if the project is visible to teammates but unassigned, choose Hide project from teammates to hide it.

After you hide a visible project, you'll see that the project's card will be updated, and now it shows the Hidden from teammates tag.

An alternative method to hide a project involves editing it. Access the Edit project page and disable the Visible toggle switch located next to the Update button.

After disabling the Visible toggle button, click Update to apply the changes.

Want to learn how to edit projects? Check out the guide below! ☑️

Hiding assigned projects 🔕

It's not possible to hide assigned projects, so before hiding a project that currently has a teammate, remove the teammate from it. Go to either the Schedule or List page, click on the project you wish to update to view its details, and then click on the green circle icon with three dots. Select the Remove teammate option to unassign the teammate. 

Check the detailed steps to remove teammates from projects in the guide below. ☑️

After unassigning the project, refer to the previous section, Hiding unassigned projects, for instructions to manually hide projects from teammates.


Here are some frequently asked questions regarding project visibility:

"What if I want full control over which cleaners will be doing my cleanings?"

To choose which cleaner is assigned to each project, hide projects by turning off visibility in your property settings. Then, use our direct assign feature to assign your preferred teammates to specific projects.

Take a look at the following guide to learn more about direct assignments. ☑️

"What should I do if I only want my projects to be visible to my preferred cleaner?"

To ensure exclusive access to offers to just one cleaner, consider enabling only them on your property, as they would have sole access to visible projects. You may also choose to set projects to auto-assign to your selected cleaner. However, keep in mind that they would need to be removed from projects before others can accept them.

For more information on the Turno Auto Assign feature, check this guide: ☑️

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