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Page Display Rules

Use these filter rules to determine on which Shopify store pages you want your Tydal Email Popup to appear

Jamie Conway avatar
Written by Jamie Conway
Updated over a year ago

Page Display Rules

You can add as many as you like to ensure an optimal browsing experience for your customers while maintaining the popup's visibility at a level you see fit.

Page Display Rules Explained

Set display rules for page types and specific pages

πŸ“ Note: You cannot set rules for the checkout page due to Shopify restrictions.

Page is equal/not equal to rules

These rules determine what types of pages you want the popup to appear or not appear on.

Page is equal to - Use this rule to set what page types you want the popup to appear on. Only enter the page type's path here and not the entire URL or handle e.g. if you want to show the popup on your collections pages only, enter collections here. Other page types include cart, products, 404, and blogs.

Page is not equal to - Use this rule to exclude the popup from certain page types. Again, only enter the page type's path here: e.g. if you don't want the popup to show on your product pages, enter products here.

Page contains/not contains rules

With these rules, you can be more specific about the pages you want the popup to appear or not appear on.

Page contains - Enter a path or path segment value to show the popup on URLs that contain that value. E.g. to show only on a /collections/blue page enter blue here.

You can also add UTM tags to your Shopify URL and display the popup when customers use this link. E.g. to show only on /?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Workshop enter the code after the "/" of your domain here.

Page not contains - Enter a path or path segment value to exclude the popup on URLs that contain that value. E.g. to exclude the popup only from your /pages/contact page enter contact here.

You can use these two types of rules in conjunction with each other. For example, if I wanted to exclude the popup from my collections pages but still have it appear on my /collections/new page, I can enter two rules:

Page is not equal to collections

Page contains new

These two rules mean that my popup will appear on my home, product, and other pages, but it won't appear on my collections pages except my /collections/new page. This is especially useful if there is a particular page on which you want to promote your discount or email newsletter, while still allowing for a seamless browsing experience.

Page is/is not homepage rules

With these rules, you can determine if you want the popup to appear or not to appear on the homepage.

Page is homepage - Use this rule if you want the popup to appear specifically on the homepage only.

Page is not homepage - Use this rule if you want the popup to appear on any page except for the homepage.

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