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Importing Reviews using Google Sheets
Importing Reviews using Google Sheets

While editing CSV files can be a task, using Google Sheets makes the process significantly easier.

Jamie Conway avatar
Written by Jamie Conway
Updated over 4 months ago


A CSV (comma-separated values) file is a plain text file where data is separated by commas. When importing reviews into the app, a CSV file is required. While editing CSV files can be a task, using Google Sheets makes the process significantly easier.

Preparing the CSV file

To prepare the CSV file, please download our app’s template here. Please note that if you use other apps’ template, the import will not work and make sure to add all the data required in the file. Here's a preview of the file with sample reviews:

After downloading the template, upload the file to your Google Drive and open it with Google Sheets.

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These are the column labels, it will guide you on what data you need to add to specific columns. For more information about the headers, please read the following:

  • state - it is the status of the review. It can either be published or unpublished . This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • title - it is the title of the review. This column is optional

  • body - it is where the content of the review should be. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • stars - it indicates the number of stars the review has and can be any number from 1 to 5. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • email - it is the reviewer’s email address. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • first_name - the reviewer’s first name. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • last_name - the reviewer’s last name. This column is optional

  • verified - only reviews submitted through the app’s review request emails can be shown as verified.

  • product_id - the unique identifier for your product. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • product_title - the name of your product which is also displayed on your website. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • product_handle - the unique name given to your product in both Shopify Admin and the online store. This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • photo_url - the image URL for your review. This column is optional

  • video_url - the video URL for your review. This column is optional

  • rated_at - the date when the review was posted. The format to use here has to be YYYY-MM-DD . This column is required, cannot be left blank.

  • reply - he content of your reply to the customers' reviews. This column is optional

  • replied_at - the date when you replied to the review. This column is optional

Where to find the product ID, title, and handle?

This data can be found in your Shopify admin. To get the product Title, ID and Handle

  1. Go to your Shopify admin → click Products → select a product

  2. Copy the title

  3. Copy the number string at the end of the URL

  4. After that, scroll down to Search engine listing to get the handle. Click Edit to display the full URL handle.

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Download File

Once all data are added to the CSV file, please select all (CMD + A or CTRL + A) head to FormatNumber → Select Plain Text. After that, go to FileDownloadComma Separated Values (.csv)

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⚠️ After download, please do not open the file.

Import Reviews to the app

Once you have the CSV file ready, please go to the Tydal Reviews app and follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Settings tab

  2. Click Import Reviews

  3. Click Add file → Select the .csv file from your computer's folders

  4. You'll see the message "Your reviews are being imported and will be available in a few minutes" on the page. Go back to Reviews to see the reviews imported.

Reviews were not imported? Here are troubleshooting steps

  • Make sure all the required fields were filled in. These are the required fields in the file: state, body, stars, email, first_name, last_name, product_id, product_title, product_handle & rated_at

  • The date format is incorrect. Please use YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2024-12-31)

  • Using one email for multiple reviews. Each email address can only review a product once. So if you try to upload a file with 10 or more reviews, all from the same email, only one will go through.

  • The product_id is in exponential form (e.g. 8.68472E+12). The product_id should only be a string of numbers

  • There are hyperlinks on the file. For you photo and video URL, please remove the links on those data and make sure its just plain texts. Here's a screen recording on how to do that

  • The format for numbers is automatic. A CSV (comma-separated values) file is a plain text file so we need to make sure that the format for numbers is in plain text as well. For a guide on how to do this, please refer to the Download File section of this article.

Common Questions

I cannot complete my reviewer's details. What can I do?

  • email — If there are no email addresses available, you can use a dummy address

  • first_name — If the name is not available, it can be changed to something like Anonymous or A reviewer

  • last_name — This is optional. You can either use initials to hide sensitive information or leave it blank.

I can't successfully import my reviews. Can you assist me?

Please send us a link of the Google Sheet used for the import. But first, make sure we have access and can edit the file. To do this, please go to Share → General Access → Anyone with the link and for the Role, instead of Viewer make sure to select Editor. Once you have the file ready, please reach out to us via to help you with your request!

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