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How do I create my own custom content videos?

Creating your own video content is the easiest way to train your team in all those little things that are important to your business.

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Written by Typsy Team
Updated over a week ago

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You don’t need to be Steven Spielberg to create great video content. All you need is a bit of planning, a bit of time, and a video camera.

Start with checking you have all the necessary people to ensure your video is a success:

Now you've got everyone ready, it's time to plan the content to feature in your video.

💡 Tip: Someone on your team might have great filming or editing skills! Ask around and get others involved, you don’t have to do it all by yourself!

1. Choose your topic

Start with short, simple topics that you know well. As you get more confident filming videos you can tackle the bigger topics that need more work.

Simple topics we've seen work well are:

  • A short message from the owner about the business and their passion

  • How to sign in / out for a shift

  • How to make a cocktail from your menu

  • How to prep garnish

  • How to stock the bar fridges

  • Introducing a new menu item

  • How to greet guests

2. Plan your content

The best videos are thought out in advance.

You may have an idea of what you want your video content to be, but putting pen to paper and planning it step by step ensures you don't miss a thing. 

Some things to keep in mind are:

  • What do you want your team to get from the video
    What are the key things you want staff to learn from this video?

  • The length of your video
    Keep your video short, 1-2 minutes is absolutely fine. It’s hard to keep people engaged for longer than this! If you think you’ll need longer than this to cover the topic you’ve chosen try to break the topic down into smaller chunks that can be filmed separately.

  • What you're going to say
    You don’t have to write a full script, although lots of our professional instructors find this helps them get clear on what they’re going to say (even if they don’t follow it word for word in filming). As a minimum, write a set of key bullet points in the order you’re going to cover them. Don’t forget to think about how you’re going to start and end your video too.

  • What you can show or demonstrate
    Always plan to show / demonstrate where possible. This will be much more engaging and effective than just telling!

  • How you're going to make it engaging
    Be intentional about making your video engaging. This doesn’t mean including jokes and slapstick comedy, it could be as simple as having an upbeat person delivering the training on camera. Or planning to add music over the video in editing.

  • Where you're going to film
    Filming is best done in a spot with minimal noise.

💡 Tip: Ask yourself, if you were to train someone in this topic face to face, what would you tell them and show them? This is what you should capture in your video.

3. Film your content

Lights, camera, action!

Now it's time to grab that mobile and get recording. Here are some handy tips to help you make sure your video is perfect every time.

Filming tips:

  • Allow enough time. Film at a time when you’re not busy or distracted or put an additional staff member on if you think you might be dragged into service

  • Do a practice run beforehand. The best way is to learn from your mistakes, so don't be afraid to be a bit critical of yourself.

  • Make eye contact with the camera - this will make your end video more engaging to watch

  • Relax and have fun

💡 Tip: If explaining something to a camera feels unnatural for you, practice by explaining to a real person first, then do it to the camera second or even have someone stand just behind the person doing the filming, this might feel more natural in the beginning.

Tech tips:

  • Film in landscape if using a phone

  • Use a lapel microphone to make sure what you’re saying can be heard

  • Keep your camera steady - there’s nothing more distracting than an unsteady camera!

  • Don’t use the zoom function on your camera when filming. Instead, if you need to get closer or further away from what you’re filming either take a step forward or back or even just extend your arms out or in if it's just a little amount you are wanting to zoom.

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