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Tyto Online Content Overview
Tyto Online Content Overview
Lindsey Tropf avatar
Written by Lindsey Tropf
Updated over a week ago

Let's take a couple minutes to first make sure you understand the types of content we offer in Tyto Online, and how we've structured this to support your varied learning goals!

First, we have our content organized under Modules. These are designed to match NGSS topics.


Each Module then has content within it to help you address the standards with your students.


Storylines are pre-designed NGSS storylines that lead students through building their knowledge until they have mastered the bundle of standards. We've designed the Storylines as a series of quests for each Module, which are aligned to standards and based on an overall driving question and/or phenomenon for students to explore.

If you have students do all of the Storylines, you will have covered all the standards in the Module.

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Practice & Enrichment

In addition to the quests in the Storylines, we have additional Practice & Enrichment quests.

Practice Quests are ones that address the standards -- they are practice in addition to what is available within the Storylines to address those concepts. The same standards but presented with different approaches and phenomenon.

Enrichment Quests are ones that go above and beyond the standards, so you can use these for your advanced students or with any extra time they have!


Most Modules (right now, Ecology, Weather and Climate, and Growth & Genetics) have Sandboxes, as well. These are more open simulation-based experiences, rather than the guided inquiry within the Quests. Educators can use these as longer-term projects across a unit, so that students improve in the Sandbox as they improve their understanding of the concepts and can improve their performance from that.

In the Ecology Sandbox, students build ecosystems from scratch -- adding producers, varied consumers, and decomposers. They must balance as each eats and reproduces and competes for resources.

In the Growth & Genetics Sandbox, students breed dragon-like creatures and must use their knowledge of genetics to result in their ideal version! They even have secret mutations and genetically activated genes!

In the Weather and Climate Sandbox, students transform a dead, barren planet into a life-supporting world with multiple biomes by adjusting factors like planet tilt, rotation speed, and adding air masses. As humans begin populating the planet, students balance keeping humans happy while minimizing their impact on the environment around them.

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