If you are located in the U.S.:
Personal Information
Must be over the age of 18
Valid U.S. Address - No P.O. box or Business Address
You may receive a request for additional information which may include a request for ID:
See General Onboarding Questions | tZERO Help Center for acceptable IDs.
Access to 2FA Device
If you are located outside the U.S.:
Personal Information
Must be over the age of 18
Located in a supported jurisdiction
We cannot accept driver's licenses
Address Verification Document
Examples: A utility bill, government residency notice, bank statement, phone bill
Access to 2FA device
If you are opening an entity account:
Information for any beneficial owner of 25% or more of the entity
Information that will need to be provided for each individual:
SSN (passport number if an international individual)
Formation document / Charter document – all that apply:
Certificate of Formation – LLC
Articles of Organization – LLC
Articles of Incorporation – Corporation
Certificate of Incorporation – Corporation
Statement of Incorporation – Corporation
Statement of Organization - Corporation
Memorandum of Association
Internal Governance document / Operating Procedures document – all that apply:
Operating Agreement – LLC
By Laws – Corporation
Articles of Association
Corporate Resolution
Partnership Agreement
Trust Accounts:
Trust Agreement (Full Document)
Certificate of Formation
Trust amendments (if applicable)
Why do we ask for this information?
As a FINRA and SEC registered broker-dealer, tZERO Securities is required under federal law (including under the US Patriot Act of 2001) to collect your name, address, tax ID / SSN, and date of birth, and verify your identity. This information is used to prevent known money launderers and terrorists from gaining access to capital markets.
For questions regarding your Secondary Trading account, contact support@tzero.com
For questions about investing in a Primary Issuance, contact investor_support@tzero.com