How Do I Add a Pet?

Have a new furry family member that you need to add? We can help!

Updated over a week ago

The short answer:

Simply log into your portal and add your new pet!

Added pets will become effective the first day of the next month.

The long answer:

We understand that your fur family can grow, and we're thrilled to guide you through the process of adding a new pet to your membership. Making this change is simple, and here's an easy-to-follow guide:

  1. Start by logging in to your portal and head over to the "My Pets" section.

  2. On the right side of the screen locate the Add Pet button and give it a click.

    Fill in Your Pet's Information
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Click Save Changes
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This Pop Up Will Appear
  3. Update the Pet Type, Name, Age, Breed, and Sex fields for your new furry companion.

  4. Once you've filled in the details, click the Add Pet box at the bottom of the pop-up.

  5. A pop-up will appear to confirm your new rate. Click confirm to complete the addition.

All pet additions to your United Pet Care membership will take effect on the first day of the next month. After your new pet becomes effective, you'll be able to retrieve your updated ID card. Just go to the Documents tab on the left side of your portal screen, look for the most recent date, and download your new ID card.

If you happen to be an Annual Member or require your pet's coverage to be effective immediately, please don't hesitate to call our offices at (602) 266-5303 or use the chat function on our website. We'll be more than happy to assist you promptly.

*For those who pay for their membership through their employer, please note that this option might not be available to you. If your employer requires you to make changes to your membership through their BenAdmin system, please make the update there. We'll receive the update and contact you by email to gather the necessary information about your added pets.

Remember, in order to enjoy your savings, it's essential to visit an in-network facility and present your ID card at the time of service.

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