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Settings Controlled in Shopgoodwill

These settings are controlled by Shopgoodwill and affect listing, shipping, reporting, and more in Upright Lister

Lori Clark avatar
Written by Lori Clark
Updated over a week ago


These settings are controlled directly in Shopgoodwill

Please note all inquiries from buyers are to be handled directly through Shopgoodwill. Even though Lister does not process payments, all refunds issued through Shopgoowill for items posted through Lister will propagate to the appropriate orders in Lister.

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Table Of Contents

Import into Lister

The following are controlled in your seller portal for Shopgoodwill. Any changes should be made in Shopgoodwill then imported into Lister using the “Import from Shopgoodwill” button in the relevant settings pages within Lister.

  • Box sizes

  • Suppliers (stores sending products to the e-commerce facility)

  • Inventory locations

SKU vs. Shopgoodwill ID


  • Upright Lister represents a physical product with a SKU (stock keeping unit)

  • This is the best way to track all actions taken with a particular product

  • The SKU is located on the Products page and is not the same as the Upright Product ID

Shopgoodwill ID



  • All reporting in SGW is in PST and currency is in USD

  • Set time zone to PST in Lister to get reporting in SGW to match more closely with reporting in Lister

  • Some SGW fees are not passed onto Upright Lister which may result in slight discrepancies between the two platforms


  • Title character limit: 70

  • Photo Limit: 6 or less is free, additional photos are $0.15 each

  • Option to highlight photos for an additional cost


Calculated shipping (most users use this)

  • Dimensional weight (item weight + box weight) is required to calculate shipping

  • Shopgoodwill calculates dimensional weight at lower costs compared to standard consumer rates

  • Set the shipping price to $0 in your channel settings to allow the calculated rate to function

  • SGW calculates the shipping price for buyers based on zip code

Flat rate shipping (less common)

  • All buyer pays the same price regardless of zip code

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