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Multi-Quantity Listings

Also known as bulk items on eBay and stock items on Shopgoodwill

Lori Clark avatar
Written by Lori Clark
Updated over a week ago


This article outline how to use Multi-quantity listings to sell many identical items to sell on a channel. Lister supports multi-quantity listings, but there are some distinctions to be aware of.

Table of Contents


Shopgoodwill refers to multi-quantity products as stock items.

Shopgoodwill Help Center states here that “A Stock Item listing means you can purchase one or more quantities of the item immediately for the Buy Now price specified in the listing. To do this, select the quantity you wish to purchase, then click on the Buy Now icon in the item listing. Stock Item listings remain active until the quantity reaches 0.”

Listing Settings

Select Shopgoodwill from the channels at the bottom of the page when listing a product. Select the appropriate channel and begin completing the form.

Give extra attention to these fields:

  • Listing Strategy - Listing Strategies are not advised with Stock items.

  • Starting Bid - must be greater than or equal to $1

  • No Combine Shipping - enable or disable based on the estimated costs of shipping and boxes necessary to ship multiple stock items together

  • Buy it Now -Stock items are only available in Buy It Now listings.

  • Stock Quantity - the number of stock items available for sale

  • Auction Duration - Leave blank so the listing is active until sold or “Good ‘Til Cancelled”

  • Handling Price - Set to compensate for any additional handling required of your team

  • Shipping Price - Set to $0 to default to calculated shipping

Listings of Stock Items on Shopgoodwill

  • Price - must be Buy It Now

  • Quantity - Buyers can purchase one or more

  • Remaining Quantity - Quantity automatically updates on Shopgoodwill

To update the quantity of the stock item:

  1. Locate the listing, either on the Listings page or through the product

  2. Click “Edit Details” if accessing via Listings Page, click “Edit” on the Product Page

  3. Adjust the “Stock Quantity” field accordingly

  4. Press “Save”


eBay refers to multi-quantity listings as bulk listings. Click here to learn more about bulk listings on eBay

Listing Settings

Select eBay from the available channels at the bottom of the page when listing a product.

Select eBay and begin completing the listing form.

Pay extra attention to the following fields:

  • Listing Type - Set to fixed price listing

  • Listing Duration - All fixed items are set to Good Til’ Canceled so this listing stays active until it sells

  • Quantity - Number of items available for sale in a bulk listing

  • Shipping Price - Set to $0 to default to calculated shipping

  • Shipping, Returns, and Payment profiles - These are set in eBay Business Policies, learn more here

Listings of Bulk Items on eBay

  • Quantity - Buyers can purchase one or more

  • Shipping, Delivery, Payments, and Returns - these are set by eBay Business Policies


  • If you sell items on another channel or in a retail store be sure to update the quantity in Lister before relisting a multi-quantity item. This prevents selling more items that are available in your inventory and canceling orders.

  • A concurrent listing strategy with a multi-quantity product will result in ending the listing in all other channels after the first item sells. For this reason, we do not advise using concurrent listings for Stock items.

Sold Listings

  • For Shopgoodwill: the listing status changes to "Sold" when the first quantity sells. This is just a limitation with Shopgoodwill.

  • For eBay: the listing status stays as "Listed" even after the first quantity sells.

  • The listing will remain active on the channel on which it sold until there are 0 listings available.

  • To determine how many of that item are still available you’ll need to monitor it directly on the channel and in your physical inventory


  • Orders appear in Lister when items sell

  • The product will remain marked as “sold” after the very first item sells even if there are still items in your inventory

  • The channel automatically tracks the number of items remaining in stock

  • Check in the channel and physical inventory for accurate quantities still in stock

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