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Paid Order Items Report

Details on the data provided in the downloadable Paid Order Items report

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a year ago


The Paid Order Items report in Lister is a downloadable .csv history of every sold item on your marketplaces. This report is great for product category analysis and financial analysis at the store or lister level.

One unique field on both the Paid Orders report and the Paid Order Items report is the ability to filter by Paid, Refunded & Partially Refunded, or All orders. This report will default to paid orders, which will exclude any orders that have been refunded or partially refunded.

This help article outlines how to access, download, and understand all of the data available in the Paid Order Items report.

💡Operational Tip: Whereas the Paid Orders report is based on the order level, the Paid Order Items report breaks down each sold item to the Supplier level.

Table of Contents

How to Access the Paid Order Items Report

  1. Click the reports icon in the top right corner of Lister to navigate to the Reports page

  2. Click “Paid Order Items” in the left column

How to Download the Paid Order Items Report

The Paid Order Items report will populate data based on your selected criteria below.

  1. Between: Select a date range for when the listings were created in Lister.

    • Note: Scheduled listings will populate based on the date they were created, not the date they were published to the marketplace

  2. Timezone: Select your desired timezone for the report

    • Note: For a closer match to Shopgoodwill’s reports, select America/Los Angeles timezone

  3. Channel: Select between all or a single connected marketplace

  4. Payment Status: Select between Paid, Refunded & Partially Refunded, or All orders.

  5. Click “Generate report” and optionally enter your email address to send a copy once it’s been created

    • Depending on how much data will be included in the report, this may take several moments to complete

  6. Download and open the report from the Past Reports section of the reports page or from your email account (if entered in the popup in box 5, above)

Definitions of Report Columns

Note: All timestamps in columns P, Q, R and S will reflect the time zone selected when generating the report.

  • Column A - Channel: The channel on which the item sold (i.e. Shopgoodwill, eBay, etc.)

  • Column B - Channel Item ID: The ID associated with the item in the channel

  • Column C - Channel Order ID: The ID associated with the order in the channel

  • Column D - Upright Order ID:The ID associated with the order in Upright Lister

  • Column E - Upright Product ID: The product ID assigned to the item in Lister (different than Product SKU)

  • Column F - Quantity: Quantity of the item that was ordered

    • Note: Most items will read 1, but in the case of multi-quantity or stock items, multiple may have been ordered

  • Column G - Inventory Location: Current inventory location of the item

  • Column H - Product SKU: Product Stock Keeping Unit - SKU (more info on SKUs here)

  • Column I - Product Title: Title of the product

  • Column J - Product Category: Category of the product (includes parent and subcategories)

    • Note: This column can be used in a pivot table to evaluate performance across categories

  • Column K - Supplier: Supplier/store who provided the item

    • Note: This column can be used in a pivot table to evaluate revenue by supplier

  • Column L - Product Carrier: Carrier selected at the time of listing (will most likely reflect the default carrier in the Product settings page)

  • Column M - Order Shipping Method: Carrier used for the shipment (e.g. FedEx, USPS)

    • Note: If the order was a pickup order, this column will indicate "Pickup"

  • Column N - Order Item Price: Final price of the individual item

  • Column O - Order Item Subtotal: Quantity x Order Item Price

    • Note: This column should be used for ALL revenue calculations NOT the Order Item Price column as the subtotal column factors in quantity

  • Column P - Order Ordered At: Date and time the order was placed (not paid for). This may be the date and time the auction was won

  • Column Q - Order Paid At: Date and time the order was paid

  • Column R - Order Shipped At: Date and time the order was shipped (even if it was not shipped via Lister)

  • Column S - Order Cancelled At: Date and time the order was canceled, if applicable

  • Column T - Order Payment Id: The ID associated with the order (eBay Only)

  • Column U - Order Payment Type: How the payment was processed (typically Stripe or Paypal)

  • Column V - Order Total: Total amount that the customer paid. Sum of Order Subtotal, Shipping Total, Handling Total, Tax Total, and Donation Total

  • Column W - Order Subtotal: Total amount the customer paid for the items in the order

  • Column X - Order Shipping Total: How much the customer paid for shipping

  • Column Y - Order Handling Total: Total handling fee the customer paid for the order (Shopgoodwill only)

  • Column Z - Order Final Value Fee: Fees charged by the channel (eBay only)

  • Column AA - Order Payment Processing Fee: Matches up with the credit card fee from Shopgoodwill

    • Note: Unfortunately, we cannot capture all fees from Shopgoodwill due to technical constraints with the Shopgoodwill API

  • Column AB - Refund Amount: Amount refunded, if any

    • Note: To understand how many refunds were processed in a given time period, please refer to the Refunds Report. The Paid Order Items report will not reflect all refunds in a given time as it pulls orders based on when it was paid for, not when it was refunded

  • Column AC - Poster: User who listed the item

    • Note: This column can be used in a pivot table to evaluate revenue by lister

  • Column AD - Product Weight: Weight of the product entered at the point of listing

  • Column AE - Channel Buyer ID: This is an identifier for the customer who purchased the order

  • Column AF - Secondary Channel Order ID: Some marketplaces (eBay, for example) provide a secondary order ID. This column is included to help find specific orders if you need to search a marketplace by the secondary ID

  • Column AG - Currency Code: The currency that the order price values appear in. This is typically USD, but can also be other values, such as CAD for Canadian Dollars

  • Column AH - Order Channel Fee Or Credit Amount: Any fee or credit amount associated with the listing, or checkout process of an item. This is most often seen on eBay orders

    • Note: This is different from the Final Value Fee (column Z). A typical use-case for this column is comparing PayPal transaction fees for eBay orders

  • Column AI - Listing Strategy: The Strategy that an order item's product (if any) is assigned to

  • Column AJ - Picked Status: Indicates the picking status if using Digital Picking in Link

  • Column AK - Listing Strategy Step: Indicates what step of the Listing Strategy the listing is on, starting at zero for the first step, 1 for the second step, and so on. A blank entry indicates the listing was posted without a Listing Strategy

  • Column AL - Tags: Indicates what product tags are assigned to the item at the point of listing

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