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Shipments Report

Details on the data provided in the downloadable Shipments report in Lister

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a year ago


The Shipments report in Lister provides complete details on every shipment created in Lister within a given timeframe. This report is useful when determining the average cost per shipping label, buyer paid shipping vs. actual shipping cost, and tracking if any duplicate shipments were created for a single order.

Table of Contents

How to Access the Shipments Report

  1. Click the reports icon in the top right corner of Lister to navigate to the Reports page

  2. Click “Shipments” in the left column

How to Download the Shipments Report

  1. Between: Select a date range for when the orders were shipped

  2. Timezone: Select your desired timezone for the report.

    • Note: For a closer match to Shopgoodwill’s reports, select America/Los Angeles timezone

  3. Click “Generate report” and optionally enter your email address to send a copy once it’s been created

    • Depending on how much data will be included in the report, this may take several moments to complete

  4. Download and open the report from the Past Reports section of the reports page or from your email account (if entered in the popup in box 3, above)

Definitions of Report Columns

  • Column A - Upright Shipment Id: The ID associated with the shipment in Upright Lister

  • Column B - Upright Order Id: The ID associated with the order in Upright Lister

  • Column C - Carrier: The shipping company (FedEd, UPS, USPS, etc) for the shipment

  • Column D - External Shipment ID: EasyPost identifier for the shipment details

  • Column E - External Label ID: The EasyPost identifier for the shipping label

  • Column F - Channel: The channel on which the order sold (i.e. Shopgoodwill, eBay, etc.)

  • Column G - Channel Order Id: The ID associated with the order in the sales channel

  • Column H - Tracker Code: The carrier tracking number for the shipment

  • Column I - Label URL: Direct link to view the shipping label in your web browser

  • Column J - Label Cost: How much the shipping label cost at the point of shipping

    • Note: Certain surcharges from carriers may be added during the shipment of the order (for example, fuel surcharge, or an adjustment to the cost if the package weight or dimensions were not accurately entered

  • Column K - Declared Value: Dollar amount of any declared value for package insurance

  • Column L - Is Return:True or false value to show if the label was created as a return on an existing order

  • Column M - Refund Requested At: Shows the date and time if a label was canceled

  • Column N - Created At: Date and time the shipping label was created in Lister

  • Column O - Label Created By: Teammate who created the shipping label

  • Column P - Packed By: Teammate who packed the order in Pack Mode

  • Column Q- Shipping Contact: Name of the customer entered for the shipping address

  • Column R - Shipping Company: Company on the address line, if applicable

  • Column S - Shipping Address 1: First line of the shipping address

  • Column T - Shipping Address 2: Second line of the shipping address, if applicable (i.e. Apartment 2)

  • Column U - Shipping Address 3: Third line of the shipping address, if applicable (i.e. Attn: XX)

  • Column V - Shipping Country: Destination country

  • Column W - Shipping Region: Destination region/state

  • Column X - Shipping Postal Code: Zip code or postal code of destination address

  • Column Y - Shipping Phone Number: Phone number entered by the customer for shipping

  • Column Z - Label Fee: Any associated fee from EasyPost for creating the label

  • Column AA - Insurance Fee: Fee for any insurance purchased on the shipment

  • Column AB - Shipping Box Name: Name of default shipping box used for shipment, if applicable

  • Column AC - Parcel weight (lbs): Weight entered at the point of shipping for the package

  • Column AD - Carrier Service Level: Shows what specific service was used (Example: FedEx Ground)

  • Column AE - Signature Type: Indicates if a signature requirement was used for the shipment

  • Column AF - Currency Code: The currency for the values in columns J, K, Z, AA, and AG appear in. This is typically USD, but can also be other values, such as CAD for Canadian Dollars

  • Column AG - Order Shipping Total: How much the buyer paid for shipping on the order

  • Column AH - Insurer: Will show if additional shipping insurance was purchased via Shipsurance (US-based sellers) or EasyPost (Non-US sellers)

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