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What exercises can I do if I have trouble getting up and down from the floor?
What exercises can I do if I have trouble getting up and down from the floor?

How to build your hip and leg strength when you have trouble getting up and down.

Updated over a week ago

If you have trouble getting down to the floor or up from the floor, you can reclaim this skill!

You will need to practice the coordination of multiple body parts so that it eventually feels like a natural movement pattern.

You will need to build your leg, hip, and ab strength.

Use the videos below to build your hip and leg strength and to practice the movement patterns.

Once you are able to get up and down from the floor easily, you'll have a whole new world of exercises and activities available that will help you get even stronger and more capable!

Workaround: In the meantime, if you want to do exercises that require you to lie down on your side on the ground, consider lying down on a bench or firm couch. This will make the transitions from lying down to standing up much easier while you build up your leg strength.

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Be sure to start with the easiest, most accessible version of any exercise or movement pattern you see in these videos. Do NOT try to do the hardest version. Do not try to get MAXIMUM depth or intensity. Always start on the lighter side and gradually build up to avoid injury.

Trying too hard at the beginning inevitably leads to injury which will slow down your progress.

Remember that slow is safe. Fast is foolish!

Movement Pattern Practice

Simple Strengthening Exercises

The plank video includes a regression to help you build abdominal strength if you can't get down to the floor.

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