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Crash Analysis

An in-depth deep dive into the Crash Analysis Use Case

Herman Chandi avatar
Written by Herman Chandi
Updated over a week ago

UrbanLogiq's Crash Analysis use case visualizes crash data and provides detailed insights. It contains two distinct workflows: Dashboard and Before and After analysis. Enabling you to aggregate all your available crash data. In the Crash Analysis Use Case, you can:

  • View and filter all available crash data by time range. You also have the option to select an area of interest to narrow down the scope by applying a preset boundary or drawing your own using the selection tool.

  • Filter data by attributes in your crash records, including severity, collision type, and road attributes.

  • Use map visualization tools to aggregate crash data by spatial GIS layers such as intersections, road segments, and corridors. You can use the color-by feature to color these layers with crash attributes such as KSI and crash count to create dynamic heat maps. This color-by feature can be used for any crash data on the map.

  • Layer contextual data layers such as infrastructure or demographics alongside crash data for deeper insights.

  • Generate dashboard reports that display useful analytics related to the selected data, i.e., top dangerous intersections or crashes' distribution by highest severity.

  • Export your data in .csv or .xlsx format for use outside the platform.

  • Compare crashes across date ranges to conduct before and after studies. Option to focus before/after comparison on an area of interest.

  • Generate dashboard reports that display useful analytics related to the selected data, i.e., key metrics compared across time ranges (with percent change included).

  • Turn on the Project layer to investigate the impact of implemented crash mitigating measures.

If you have any questions about this use case, please get in touch with us:

  • Via live chat: by clicking on the speech bubble in the sidebar at the bottom left corner of the screen

  • By phone: +1 833 872-2647

Finally, please remember that the data points and screenshots in this Use Case Help Center article below are fake synthetic data. We take data security very seriously.

What Attributes are in this Use Case?

You can quickly identify which crash data attributes you have!

After clicking on Crash Analysis, click the About This Use Case button on the sidebar to learn more about the use case in the Overview tab and its underlying crash data in the Data tab.

Aggregating Crashes

When logging in and clicking Crash Analysis, you will see all the crashes as little purple dots on a map. We can aggregate crashes on the map in a certain way if we have the data.

We can Aggregate Crashes by many metrics, and the map will automatically change. For example, we can aggregate by intersection, road segment, or neighborhood. If you are not seeing any of these selections or are missing one that you think would be valuable, don't hesitate to contact your Customer Success Representative to work with you and the UrbanLogiq Data team to get that selection added!

It is also important to remember the Color By drop-down menu as well.

This can be very helpful in visualizing the data on a map or section to identify trends or outliers. Of course, your Color By options will change based on how you aggregate your crashes, but standard Color By options are crash count, day of the week, and highest severity, as shown below.

Pro Tip: Click on any crash data on the map to see a quick summary of any crash.

Filtering Crashs for a Report

The Time Period selection filter is one of the most common features used in the Crash Analysis tool. The calendar selection process will open on your screen by clicking the little calendar icon. We have some automatic quick date selectors to pull up the last three or five years' worth of data with one click. Available Dates will show you the timestamps for all the data in your UrbanLogiq instance. This is the most common, reliable, and up-to-date way to see what data you have on the platform.

Once we have the Time Period we desire, we can also apply what we call an Area(s) of interest. Beside Area(s) of interest, there is a + Add button; click that to pull up the Area(s) of interest selection menu.

Filtering by area is a great way to pull up crashes that have a specific type of location information in common. Examples are numerous; we can sort by neighborhoods, bridges, corridors, high-injury networks, school zones, zoning, and so on! Just like the Aggregate Crashes By drop-down, if there is an Area(s) of interest dataset you don't see, but would be interested in adding to your platform, don't hesitate to contact your Customer Success Representative!

Pro Tip: Every search bar in UrbanLogiq is type searchable. So if the Area(s) of interest dataset is becoming too long for scrolling, type in what you are looking for, and it will show up!

That pro tip comes in handy in the example below. Say I wanted to pull up crashes for ten specific public streets in a city... Instead of scrolling for ages looking for the specific ten streets, I can type them in and select them individually.

Another handy trick is to filter down Area(s) of Interest by more than just name. If we click Select using filter, then click Add filter, we can filter based on an attribute of an area of interest. Just to let you know, this filter is not being applied to the crashes' characteristics but to the Area of Interest we selected. For example, we could choose Neighborhoods as an area of interest and then filter them based on size or select road segments as an area of interest and then filter based on length. Or in the example below, select Public Streets as the Area of Interest and then filter by Street Use.

Once you have the Area of Interest you are looking for, it is always a good practice to put some small buffer in, just in case some crashes happen a couple of feet outside our area. Then remember to hit the blue Apply button!

If you still need help finding the specific type of Area of Interest you are looking for, you can always draw a Custom area on the map!

We can additionally filter crashes based on crash attributes. That is what the Filters selection on the side panel can accomplish. If we click +Add, we can select an attribute for the crash. Rember that the Attribute drop-down is search friendly, so you can type in what specific attribute you are looking for. Depending on the attribute, you can select different criteria. As the example below shows, we can filter based on the severity of the crash.

Once you have your filters, just how you like them, click the big blue Generate Report button!

UrbanLogiq Crash Analysis Report

Your Crash Analysis Use Case contains out-of-the-box charts such as crash count over time, severity, day of the week, road segment, and even collision type. You can export these reports to share them via PDF and even export the data into a CSV or Excel format.

All the cards are moveable, so if there is a data point you would like to highlight, you can drag it up to the top of the report or center it in the middle. You can also change the cards' look by clicking the Cell icon on the left to change the card from a bar graph into a table. You can also click the pencil icon to change the chart type if you prefer! All these changes you make will appear if you export the report as a PDF.

Before and After Analysis

What if we wanted to understand the diffThere'sbetween Area(s) of interest from one year to the next? That is where the Before and After analysis comes into play!

If we click the Before and After tab in the Crash Analysis, we will see that the filters and dashboard are similar. We can select our Before Period and After Period, which we want to compare—this work exactly the same as the regular Crash Analysis dashboard.

Once you have the Time Period selections you are looking for, it is time to add your Area(s) of interest in the same manner you have done before in the previous dashboard. Just so you know, you can create a Custom Area of Interest, and if there is an Area Dataset you can not find or one you would want to add, please reach out to your Customer Success Representative.

Once you have the two Time Periods and the Area(s) of Interest you want to compare, click the big blue Run button to see the comparison!

The before and after comparison report is similar to the Crash Analysis Report. You can change from Sum to Monthly Average, move the cards around, and change the card into a table view.

It is important to note that there is a big Comparison Table at the bottom of the report! We can also Export our findings into a PDF report, or the raw data in a CSV and an Excel file.

Pro Tip: There is an additional filter called the Contextual Layers Panel section; click the Open button to add datasets from Explore on the map. You can perform join operations (including, excluding, and nearby) on the added datasets like Explore. This can be a great way to identify trends and gain new insights. You can learn more about your Explore dashboard right here.

That's all for now! Log in to the platform and start your Crash Analysis! Happy exploring!

As always, feel free to contact us if you need any help. Either chat with us from the get help chat box on the UrbanLogiq platform or send your questions to!

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