We’ve revamped the RFQ experience within Kojo, to make it easier than ever to award POs to the vendor(s) that best meet your pricing and availability needs. Specifically, when you issue an RFQ to multiple vendors, it’s easy to compare their quotes (including availability), and split up the material line items across multiple vendors. This way, you can optimize pricing and make sure you’ll have everything you need on time.
What's New?
Here’s what you can do with the new RFQ solution within Kojo:
View all RFQs on their own page
Vendor provides their quote in the Kojo Vendor Portal
Compare supplier quotes and availability
Allocate POs by line item
Track resulting orders
View all RFQs on their own page.
Previously, RFQs were shown as a sub-tab within the Orders page.
Now, RFQs are consolidated into their own page, easily accessible from the left-side navigation bar. Easily check on the response or ordering status of your RFQs.
Vendor provides their quote in the Kojo Vendor Portal
When you send an RFQ through Kojo, the vendor(s) are alerted via email.
When the vendor clicks "enter bid," they are taken to the Vendor Portal where they can enter their quote (no need to log in!). This is how the quote information gets into your RFQ page for you to review.
It's in your best interest to ask your vendors to enter their quotes directly into the Kojo Vendor Portal!
Compare supplier quotes and availability
As vendors respond to the RFQ, their prices and availability are automatically populated into the comparison table, broken out by material line item.
Starting from one RFQ, allocate POs to multiple different suppliers on a line item basis, to easily optimize for the best pricing and availability.
And once you've issued those POs, you can easily check in on order status and navigate to the full PO from the new RFQ page.
As always, if you have any questions, reach out to your Kojo customer success manager.