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Check your Integration Syncing Schedule!
Check your Integration Syncing Schedule!

Have an order that hasn't synced to your accounting software yet? Check when the next sync will occur.

Sarala Conlan avatar
Written by Sarala Conlan
Updated over a week ago

When your accounting software has an integration with Agora, it needs to sync regularly so that both systems have all the necessary information. Here is how to check when your data is being synced.

Once logged into Agora, click on Admin. Then click Setup and Integration:

If your integration says, "Next Update", then you have what we call an "Import/Export" integration and the update will be made as you do your import/export process.

If your integration has dates and times like the following, then you have what we call a "Live" or "Direct" integration and the syncing will occur at the times shown.

*Please Note: If you have Quickbooks Desktop, direct connections are usually updated every 5-15 min depending on the web connector settings you select during the initial integration setup. It may look like the first example above but it is indeed connecting!*

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