Tactical Rundown
This is the easiest place to find your most recent content.
The home tab has seven folders:
1) V1 Featured
a. Getting Started: Tap this to access instructional videos on using the app.
b. Models: Leads you to a collection of swings for viewing and analysis.
2) My Videos
This folder contains the videos you've recorded or imported into the app. Click on 'View All' for an option to search for a specific video using the title.
Tapping the ellipsis (...) icon allows you to edit the video details, rename it, or change the current athlete assigned to it. You can also analyze the video using the tools or upload it to the student's locker by clicking 'Send to Athlete.'
Clicking Delete will erase the video. To delete multiple videos at once, click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the screen.
3) My Sessions
These are the videos from the My Videos folder, divided per session. A session is designed to group-like videos from the same day.
4) Sent by Athletes
This works like an inbox, containing swing videos your athlete sends using the V1 GOLF or V1 BASEBALL app. You can either accept the video and analyze it or reject it. The video disappears from this folder once you analyze it, moving to the next folder, Sent Lessons.
5) Sent Lessons
All the lessons you've analyzed and sent to your athletes are stored here.
6) Saved Lessons
This is where all the lessons you have saved for later are kept.
7) My Drills
Drills are pre-recorded instructional videos. To upload one, simply tap the + icon, choose the video from your camera roll, give it a name, and click 'Save' in the top right.
At this time, drills have a 5-minute length limit. If you need to upload a longer video, please reach out to customersuccess@v1sports.com for assistance.
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