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How to Send a Lesson

We'll cover how to sends a lesson using the new V1 COACH app.

Leslie avatar
Written by Leslie
Updated over 10 months ago

Sending lessons is one of the best ways to nurture the relationship with your athletes, and the new V1 COACH app makes it easier than ever to send impactful voice-over lessons.

Want to learn more about sending great lessons and earning continuing education credits? Check out our certification here.

Solution Overview

  1. Choose a video to use in the lesson

  2. Tap the ellipsis (...) and select 'Analyze'

  3. Tap the red microphone icon to start the lesson

  4. Record your lesson, then tap the red stop button to stop the lesson

  5. Review details, then select 'Send to Athlete'

Tactical Rundown

Step 1

From the 'Home' screen or the student's profile in the 'Athletes' section, choose the video you want to analyze. Tap the three dots (...) next to the video, then select 'Analyze.' To access the analyzer tools, click on the tools icon below.

Step 2

Prepare the video for your lesson. Scrub to your starting point and add any desired analysis lines. You can also choose a tool in the toolbox, like the "Compare" and "Overlay" features, to use during your lesson.

Step 3

Once prepared, tap the red microphone button. This will start your 5-minute timer. Record your lesson, then tap the red stop button to end your recording.

Step 4

Review your lesson recording if desired. Use the pencil icon to rename your lesson to something related to the content and confirm the lesson is going to the right athlete (or reassign). Use the description text to add a few more details about the video content or what you want your athlete to learn from watching it. This will make finding historical content much quicker for you and your athlete.

Step 5

If you're happy with your review, tap "Send to Athlete." This lesson will now appear under the athlete's profile in the Lessons section and on your Home Screen under Sent Lessons. Your athlete can find the lesson on their Home Screen under My Lessons in their V1 GOLF or V1 BASEBALL app. They will also receive an email reminder to view their lesson.

Quick Tips for Recording Great Lessons

  1. Speak as clearly as you can. Avoid filler words like "um" as much as possible.

  2. Smile while doing your recording! Imagine your athlete is in the room with you.

  3. Don't rush or try to jam too much into one lesson. It is better to record several lessons that are each focused on a single point than to try to cover everything at once. This makes it easier for your athlete to refer back to your lessons later.

  4. Limit background noise as much as possible. Wind, people talking, and coughing can make audio difficult to listen to.

  5. Use the lines to analyze the swing, but also to focus your athlete on the point you're making.


Doesn't this take too much time to do?

No. Some of our best lesson senders record the lesson while they're doing the in-person session. Not only does this save time for the coach, but it also helps capture part of the session for the athlete to refer back to on their own time. You'll find your cadence for sending lessons, but it does not have to take additional time at the end of the day to complete them.

Does sending lessons matter?

Yes! Sending lessons makes your athlete twice as likely to come back to you for more lessons. Not only are they finding more value in your lesson, but they are retaining the information better and improving faster when you regularly send lessons.

Can I charge for this?

Absolutely. You can incorporate lessons however you'd like. Some coaches offer full remote coaching and send lessons weekly to their athletes. Some coaches offer hybrid options where athletes are taking lessons in person but are connecting remotely in between. However, our most popular use case is for in-person lessons. Coaches will send a recap of the session or an overview of a practice plan in a lesson for their athletes to refer back to later.

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Still Need Help?

We're here to help! You can reach us by email at or by using the chat feature within our website or app. Our support hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 8 pm ET, and Saturday through Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm ET, except for all major US Holidays.


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