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Understanding Automations

Updated over a year ago


The "Automations" section provides an overview of existing automations and allows you to create new ones. The table displays essential information about each automation, including its name, last run date, creator, and creation timestamp.

Create New Automation

Click the "Create New" button to initiate the process of creating a new automation.

Automation List

The table lists all existing automations with the following details:

  • Name: The name of the automation.

  • Last Ran: The date and time when the automation was last executed.

  • Created By: The user who created the automation.

  • Created At: The timestamp indicating when the automation was created.

  • Actions: Actions available for each automation, including editing and deleting.


Each automation in the list provides the following action buttons:

  • Edit: Modify the settings and configurations of an existing automation.

  • Execute: Trigger the selected automation manually.

  • Delete: Remove the automation from the system.

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