If you make purchases and payments in countries where the Euro is not the official currency, the live exchange rate is applied to your transaction.
As an alternative, with Vivid you can have different currencies in a pocket of your choice to cover for your expenses when you are abroad.
To start using this feature, you just need to top up your pocket and then tap on “Add” to choose the currency you need or want. Depending on your plan, you can choose from 40 currencies (Standard plan) or up to 105 currencies (Prime plan).
Having different currencies within the same pocket allows you to be on top of your finances as you will be charged the exact amount in the currency of your choice. This amount won’t ever change as you already converted the funds beforehand. Add your Vivid card to your currency account when you are on a holiday abroad or for your online shopping and avoid surprises: make purchases without worrying about the ever changing exchange rate.
Not satisfied with your purchase? You can always return the item and we’ll try our best to make the refund in the same currency the purchase was made in, this happens when the merchant links the refund to the original transaction. Otherwise, if the refund is processed in Euro, you’ll keep the cashback from the original purchase.
Please note that if you have insufficient funds in the linked Pocket, the charge will be in €. If your balance in € can’t cover the purchase, it will be declined.