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Measures & Ratings Explanations

List of common measures and ratings available in Vivvix with brief definitions

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Written by Vivvix Support
Updated over 4 months ago


$ - Expenditures

Expenditures are the dollars attributed to the given amount of advertising.

Expenditures do not take into account volume discounts or sales commissions. Expenditures are “Gross” dollars.

# - Units

Units are simply the number of advertisements placed. There is no weighting (based on spot length, size, etc.) at all. Units are also called “occurrences” and “placements”.

Avg 30#

Average 30 Second Units. Average 30 Second Units are calculated by dividing the total Seconds within the report by 30. Generally this will give 1/2 the value to a 15 second spot, 2X the value for a 60 second spot and so on.

Avg 30$

Average 30 Second Expenditures. Average 30 Second Dollars are calculated by dividing Expenditures by Average 30 Second Units. This will average the expenditures to a 30 second rate.


Total Seconds of advertising within television.


Measure of newspaper ad size in column inches.

Weighted Inches

Part run inches weighted by zone circulation.



Impressions are a ratings measure and will only be seen by those subscribing to either Nielsen or MRI ratings.

Impressions are raw numbers of people who saw a given ad.


Gross Rating Point. GRPs weight Impressions by population.

Within magazines this is somewhat irrelevant as the Total US population is used for all GRP calculations. GRPs are not added across markets within television as the population of the different markets varies. Keep in mind that Vivvix only shows the user the first digit after the decimal point for GRPs.


Cost per Rating Point. CPP are generated by dividing the Expenditures by GRPs. Keep in mind that Vivvix only shows the user the first digit after the decimal point for GRPs. Therefore the CPP reported will be more accurate than deriving it from the GRP measure by hand. This gives you a measure of the efficiency of the media buy.


Cost per Thousand Impressions. CPMs are generated by dividing Expenditures by (Impressions x 1,000). Therefore, to verify that the calculation is correct, it will not be necessary to multiply Impressions by 1,000 except on schedule reports.


30 Second Equivalized Impressions. These are calculated by dividing the spot length by 30 and then multiplying the Impressions for each spot by the given factor. This equivalizes the Impressions for the given spot to a 30 second rate. These are then added for the given report to get a total. IMPE for a 60 second spot should be twice the Impressions and IMPE for 15 second spot should be 1/2 the Impressions.


30 Second Equivalized Ratings. These are calculated by dividing the Equivalized Impressions by the population for the market. GRPE for a 60 second spot should be twice the GRPs and GRPE for a 15 second spot should be 1/2 the GRPs (this may vary slightly due to rounding).


30 Second Equivalized Cost per Ratings Point. These are calculated by dividing Expenditures by Equivalized Ratings.


30 Second Equivalized Cost per Thousand Impressions. These are calculated by dividing Expenditures by Equivalized Impressions X 1,000.


Nielsen Station Index (NSI) – Spot TV

A Nielsen Media Research division primarily servicing local stations, advertisers, advertising agencies, syndicators and producers with data from diaries or meter/diary samples. NSI conducts four “sweeps” a year in which all local markets are measured as well as three mini-sweeps for the major markets (October, January and March).

Nielsen Hispanic Station Index (NHSI) – Spanish Language Spot TV

Provides Spot TV viewing information for Spanish-language television stations in 16 markets with significant Hispanic populations.

Nielsen Television Index (NTI) – Network TV

A Nielsen Media Research division primarily servicing the six broadcast networks, advertisers and advertising agencies.

Nielsen Hispanic Television Index (NHTI) – Spanish Language Network TV

A Nielsen Media Research division primarily servicing the Hispanic Television Market. NHTI uses data accumulated from a separate People Meter sample consisting of approximately 1,000 Hispanic households.

Nielsen Household Index (NHI) – Cable TV

A Nielsen Media Research division primarily servicing the cable industry (basic and pay) as well as local cable operators. At present, NHI measures 40+ basic cable and pay cable networks. NHI uses data accumulated from the national People Meter sample.

Nielsen Syndication Service (NSS) – Syndication

A Nielsen Media Research division primarily servicing producers, national syndicators as well as unwired networks, vignettes and program producers. NSS uses data accumulated from the national People Meter sample.

If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to your local Vivvix Client Success Manager. Our support team is also available for assistance via email at

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