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Custom Insights

How to create your own personalised insights dashboard and creating unique charts

Jennifer Mars avatar
Written by Jennifer Mars
Updated over 3 months ago


In this article, we will take you through how to create a dashboard and how to add charts to it, creating your own unique insights. By creating your own personalised dashboard you will now be able to get a view on a wide range of different data sets.

Beta Launch

The launch of Custom Insights is a beta launch. We're thrilled to release this feature in beta and invite you to be part of its evolution. A beta launch means that we are releasing our first version of the feature, however we're already planning to expand its capabilities with more datasets and customisation options in the future. Your feedback will help us refine it into the best analytical tool for you.

Create a Dashboard

In order to start personalising your insights you need to create a dashboard first. Go to your Insights section on Volunteero and press "+ Dashboard"

Name your Dashboard and decide who will be able to see this Dashboard. You can make it public, which means public to other staff users on your Volunteero Dashboard with Access to the Insights section. Or you can make it private so it's only viewable to you and other people you grant access to.

Types of Dashboard

You can create Insights Dashboard for a range of different reporting purposes. You might want to have all you data sets on one dashboard or you can split them up by:

  • Location

  • Project

  • Groups

  • Staff User that looks after that data

The possibilities are endless, create a dashboard today!

How to Edit and Customise Your Dashboard

Now you have created a Dashboard you can start adding your own personalised data sets to your dashboard canvas. Please select 'add chart' and select which dataset you want to add.

You can choose from the following datasets:

You can also add some rich text and media to your dashboard canvas to give your dashboard some more information and make it look nicer.

Editing Charts

When adding a chart to your dashboard, please name it appropriately. Choose what type of chart you want it in, you can choose from:

  • Line Graph

  • Area Graph

  • Bar Graph

  • Pie Chart

  • Number Card

Depending on the type of chart you choose can then plot it by different identifiers, split it by EDI information or mission templates and you can pick a timeframe. The options are endless and you can get really specific information.

Top tip: When choosing mission reports as a data set you can plot the answers from a report question.

In addition you can add filters to each chart. You can choose from the following filters:

  • Mission template

  • Qualification

  • Volunteer Tag

  • Volunteer Groups

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity

  • Religion

  • Orientation

  • Country

  • City

You can also then add multiple filters, if you want to really pinpoint a specific set of volunteers.

Your Previous Insights Page

If you want to access your old insights page with the set fields, you can find this by clicking on 'view Standard Insights'

Watch Video Tutorial

As always, your thoughts, feedback and suggestions are always welcomed! We'd love to hear from you and we are more than happy to help you in our support button.

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