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How to sign in

Having trouble signing in? In this article we run through the steps to getting into the Volunteero Staff Dashboard for the first time.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

The very first step is to be added as a staff user by your organisation admin. Without this step, you will not be able to gain access.

Once added you should receive a welcome email that will come from If you cannot find the email, it is worth scanning your junk folder.... yes, sadly sometimes some email providers and email security preferences will throw us in there 😞

This email will provide you with your password and links to open the dashboard.

Top tip: Save the dashboard link to your favourites or add it to your bookmarked pages. It is no fun having to dig up that email each time 😴

"But I can't find the email anywhere"

Firstly double-check with your organisation admin that they have added you as a staff user AND they have typed your email correctly. Yes, sometimes if they added you before their morning coffee they may have missed a letter here or there.

If you have double-checked and all looks correct, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click the "Forgot password" option

  2. Enter the email you have been registered with

  3. A password reset email will be sent and you can create any password of your choice, note that this expires after one hour

If you have tried all of this and are still struggling. Please message the support team and one of the lovely team members will be happy to help!

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