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Volunteero provides real-time insights into your volunteer activity and more.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over 9 months ago

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To see metrics such as total volunteer time and who your top volunteers are, go to the "Insights" page on the left-hand side of the Staff Dashboard.

There are two tabs, "Overview' and "Volunteer insights'.

Using the filters and date selection option on the top row you'll be able to decipher the insights section by the information you are interested in.

Filtering by the groups is a useful tool when wanting to understand the insights relating to your customised groups. To understand how to best use groups for reporting, see our article on groups.

Volunteer insights

To see metrics such as the breakdown of volunteers, demographics of your volunteers and their engagement levels, go to the "Insights" page on the left-hand side of the Staff Dashboard. There are three tabs, open the one titled "Volunteer Insights".

You firstly need to update the timeframe you are looking at in the top right of the page.

Then you need to filter by the group you are interested in. To understand how to best use groups for reporting, see our article on groups.

The panel on the left of the screen allows you to show the pie chart based on the various attributes of volunteers.

The panel on the right allows you to understand how many of your volunteers have been active during the timeframe.

Mission activeness

This tool allows you to understand when the last activity took place on your missions. This is particularly useful with ongoing mission types such as befriending or mentoring. With such missions, you may wish to see which missions have a volunteer but no activity is taking place as this may mean a volunteer just isn't doing what is needed and may require reassigning the mission.

To use this tool, go to the "Home" page on the left-hand side of the Staff Dashboard. On the right of the screen, you will see the below panel labelled "Mission Activeness". You can filter the list for specific mission templates. What you will then see is the time of the last activity. If it shows "No activity" then there is a chance it is a recently assigned/claimed mission and no activity is necessarily expected. To investigate further what has been happening use the activity and reports sections within the mission.

If you require any further assistance, please use the support chat to ask a question to our friendly support team. We will be happy to help!

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