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Managing email references

Everything you need to know about managing email references.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over 4 months ago

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Reference notifications

Notifications for new form submissions AND new references received for those submissions are both managed from the form settings.

Open the form for which you'd like to receive notifications or manage who receives notifications.

Press the settings icon in the top right of the page.

Open the notifications tab. Here you can select who will be notified for all new form submissions and new reference submissions.

Note that you can only select from staff users of Volunteero. If you have a group inbox where you would like these to be sent, you will need to set up that group inbox as a staff user.

Manually trigger reference emails

If your form is set up to require reference emails to be manually triggered, here is how to do so.

Open the submission you would like to trigger the reference emails for.

On the right-hand side, you will see a section called references. Open up the reference you would like to trigger emails for.

You will see a window like the one shown below. You now just need to press the send email button and this will trigger the email process (this will also send a follow-up email 7 days after if no reference has yet been received)

Manually add new reference

If you need to manually add a new reference to a submission or an old submission, here is how to do so.

Open the submission you would like to add a manual reference to.

On the right-hand side, you will see a section called references. Press the new reference button.

A new window will open that looks like the one shown below. Fill out the details of the person providing a reference.

Check the send email to referee button if you would like the emails to be sent automatically request a reference. If you would like to submit this yourself, you can uncheck this box.

Delete reference

You can delete a reference but worth noting that this will be deleted forever. It is also worth noting that by deleting the reference you will suppress any automated reference emails that have not yet been sent. So for example, if the initial request email has been sent, if you delete the reference the day after, this will ensure the 7-day reminder email will not be sent.

Here is how to delete a reference...

Open the submission you would like to trigger the reference emails for.

On the right-hand side, you will see a section called references. Open up the reference you would like to delete.

Press the delete button.

Update reference stages

During the setting up of the reference feature, you will have set up a process for your reference form. These are the stages you need to take a reference through. In most instances we have come across this will be simply to review and approve a reference.

Open the submission you would like to update reference stages for.

On the right-hand side, you will see a section called references. Open up the reference you would like to update stages for.

You will see the reference process and the various stages here. You can open up each, change the status of that stage and add notes. See below for an example.

Declined reference requests

Referees can decline to provide a reference. You will be notified of this. You can also see that a reference is declined on the submission as well as any reason provided.

Open the submission you would like to view references for.

On the right-hand side, you will see a section called references. If a reference has been declined you will see that here. An example has been provided in the screenshot below.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message the support team. We would be very happy to help 😊

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